Atlas of Iranian Diasporic Civil Society

$12.95 crowdfunded from 0 people

Analyzing and uniting disparate Iranian diaspora groups within the Woman Life Freedom Movement through historical, ethnographic, and network studies to facilitate cohesive activism.

The quest for unity within the Iranian diaspora's Woman Life Freedom Movement has persisted since its inception, and met formidable challenges along the way. Nevertheless, cohesion remains pivotal to empower Iranian activists. Driven by the urgent need for unity, numerous Iranians are organically forming small initiatives, potentially laying the groundwork for a comprehensive alliance. Yet, these groups are dispersed.

Who are these groups? What actions do they take, and how do they operate? What collaborative opportunities exist among them? How can activists in this diverse landscape unite these disparate groups?

The Atlas tackles these questions by dividing its focus into the following distinct yet interconnected categories:

  • Analysing Historical Trends

  • Conducting Ethnographic Studies

  • Examining The Networks Within The Movement

  • Conducting Qualitative And Quantitative Analyses Of Resources

  • Measuring Progress And Setbacks

  • Designing And Conducting Surveys

By doing so, the Atlas aims to shed light on the dynamics of the initiatives within the Iranian diaspora, paving the way for a cohesive collaboration crucial for the advancement of the Woman Life Freedom Movement.

Atlas of Iranian Diasporic Civil Society History

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