Atoma seeks to foster Arbitrum's growth in Latin America by providing Spanish translations, educational resources, content creation, and community building for Spanish-speaking audiences, aligning with Arbitrum DAO values.

Gitcoin/Arbitrum Grant Presentation


We are Atoma, a team emerged from MakerDAO's Ambassador Program. We offer a wide range of solutions for growth and community building for spanish-speaking audiences, including two-way quality translations, content creation and educational resources. Our primary focus lies in branding and education efforts targeted specifically at the Latin American market of active and potential users.

Please note that this proposal is a pilot of a bigger project for the Arbitrum Protocol. You can read the full proposal here.


Latin America is one of the most rapidly growing regions when it comes to crypto and Web3 adoption, with an expanding tech-savvy population and a huge potential for widespread financial inclusion.

The combination between innovation, talents, and the need for financial, technological and economic solutions produce highly engaged and robust communities, resulting in an ever-growing number of potential users and developers. Given this context and taking into account the core values of the DAO, a symbiotic and mutually enriching relationship between Arbitrum and LATAM can be forged. If you want to know more about how we envision this, feel free to read our document: Why Latin America? Why Arbitrum?

Our collaborative efforts aim to empower Arbitrum in effectively delivering their vision to a broader audience, nurturing trust and cultivating robust communities surrounding their offerings.

The team has a track record of dedicated contributions during the last two years within the MakerDAO ecosystem. Some of our most relevant outcomes include the creation of MakerDAO's official website in Spanish, the complete translation of official documentation and the successful establishment of the pioneering Latin America Delegate Platform within the DAO’s framework.

Primary objectives

  • Attracting New Users and Enhancing Participation in Arbitrum

    • Building a community and disseminating information in Spanish can significantly widen Arbitrum's reach and attract new users.
    • Providing clear explanations about governance decisions in Spanish can engage users who might otherwise feel disconnected due to language barriers. This proactive approach fosters a sense of involvement and inclusion, encouraging broader participation.
  • Providing Educational Resources for Spanish-Speaking Audiences

    • Educating the Spanish-speaking audience about the purpose, features, and potential of Arbitrum is important in order for the protocol to fulfill some of its core values, such as being socially and technically inclusive, user-focused, neutral and open. Also, this initiative aligns with the ethos of Ethereum.
    • By offering educational resources in Spanish, potential users can gain a better understanding of how Arbitrum operates, its benefits, and how it fits into the broader context of the Ethereum scalability.
  • Promoting Benefits and Governance Participation

    • Promoting the advantages and possibilities presented by Arbitrum can emphasize the opportunity to influence the direction of the platform through governance participation.
    • This approach not only attracts attention but also nurtures a sense of ownership and involvement in shaping the evolution of Arbitrum.

In essence, these three points collectively contribute to build a stronger, more informed and engaged community around Arbitrum within the Spanish-speaking audience, with a specific focus on Latin America's dynamic and fast growing crypto landscape.

What will we deliver

  • Arbitrum's Official Website in Spanish

    • Creation of an official Arbitrum website for the spanish-speaking community.
      • This website will serve as a gateway to Arbitrum for new users in the region, providing access to Arbitrum's resources and showcasing original content created by our project.
      • The team will collaborate with relevant Arbitrum Foundation stakeholders to secure an official domain for this purpose.
  • Evergreen Content Translation

  • Original Content Creation

    • Creation of Arbitrum's very own Introductory Portal.

      By providing an intuitive and comprehensive portal, the DAO can streamline the onboarding process for new participants, offering educational resources about the Web3 and L2 ecosystem.

      This website will attract a broader audience of stakeholders and allow community members to gain deeper understanding of Arbitrum's unique value proposition, DAO's governance structure and decision-making processes.

    • Creation of educational threads for the @Arbitrum_esp X account.

      Through these diverse content formats, the project can effectively cater to a broad audience, from tech-savvy developers to crypto enthusiasts and newcomers seeking knowledge about Web3 solutions.

    • Monthly Newsletters

      Creation of a monthly newsletter in Spanish designed to inform and attract community members regarding Arbitrum's protocol, while also incorporating relevant ecosystem news from Latin America to appeal to potential new users from the region.

      Newsletters will provide updates on the latest developments, features, and benefits of Arbitrum's protocol, as well as its governance processes, community's proposals and votings, and would be posted on the Arbitrum Forum.

  • Harnessing the Power of X (Formerly Twitter)

    • A comprehensive strategy has been developed by the Atoma team to bring educational and useful content in an attractive way to this channel.


As a sustainable, socially inclusive and user-focused proposal aimed towards growing the ecosystem by means of community building, content creation for social media, translation of documentation into Spanish and further educational efforts, this proposal is perfectly aligned with the guiding values and strategic priorities of the Arbitrum DAO as per its Constitution.

Two Month's Milestones

  • OCT-NOV, 2023
    • Create an official Arbitrum website for spanish-speaking users to work as a gateway into the protocol.
    • Initiate the official full translation of Arbitrum's Docs website to spanish and work with DAO's relevant stakeholders to ensure the optimization of the translated content for seamless integration into the Decosaurus platform.
      • The team will deliver the full professional translation of Arbitrum's Introductory Docs.
      • The team will also handle quality assurance for existing community translations, ensuring they are adapted to match the format of the rest of the translations.
    • Start the implementation of a social media content strategy, including a content calendar, target audience analysis, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track engagement and reach.
    • Implement a comprehensive X (Formerly Twitter) growth strategy for the @Arbitrum_esp account to achieve 15% increase in X followers and 40% increase in impressions within two months. This strategy includes a combination of targeted content creation, strategic use of trends, and regular analysis of follower growth and engagement metrics. The team will continuously monitor and optimize the strategy based on data to maximize effectiveness.
    • Develop and publish at least 8 new educational resources for Arbitrum's new website in spanish. These resources will provide valuable and actionable information to effectively engage the audience.
    • Create monthly newsletters.
      • To be posted on Arbitrum's Forum and the new official website for spanish-speaking audience.
As previously mentioned, these milestones are part of a bigger project. You can read the full proposal here.


The Atoma team is made up of four members and is designed to achieve a multidisciplinary approach to the tasks to be performed:

@Sebix: Web3 enthusiast with a background on the videogame industry and the book industry. MakerDAO's GovAlpha Core Unit member ever since 2021. Has also been MakerDAO's Ambassador Program member since late 2021 and Program's head since 2022; led the team and worked on all projects of Maker's Ambassadors in Latin America. @Pollo: Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and particularly keen on economic issues. Has worked in political and corporate communication roles. Marketing Lead at belo, a custodial fiat and crypto wallet born in Argentina which is now expanding to other Latin American countries. @Jos: Medical student. Co-founder, and co-lead of Ethereum Venezuela. Has worked as a translator at the Mario Briceño Iragorry Foundation, an organization dedicated to international cultural exchanges, and has been a member of the MakerDAO Community since 2020. Been contributing to the Ambassador Program since 2022. @Harrizko: Bachelor's Degree in History and currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Education. Keen on Latin American studies and pedagogy. Has worked as a contributor for MakerDAO's GovComms Core Unit and all through the second stage of MakerDAO's Ambassador Program.

All members are living in Spanish-speaking countries — specifically Argentina, Venezuela, and Spain.

  • Atoma team contact:

Atoma History

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