Bankless Africa
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Enhancing African economic empowerment through decentralized media, Bankless Africa offers crypto education, onboardings, and community-focused web3 participation, including podcasts, newsletters, and Blockchain workshops.


Accelerating capacity building, economic empowerment, and financial freedom in Africa through decentralized media. Bankless Africa educates and onboards everyday Africans to crypto/Web3 by promoting and propagating truly decentralized media, culture, and education to drive the adoption of trustless, decentralized infrastructures and money systems across Africa. We believe Crypto offers a better future for Africa, and Bankless Africa is here to help steer Africa into that future!

Why this Project?

There’s a massive gap in legit crypto education that hinders the widespread adoption and understanding of crypto as a transformative technology in Africa. This has led to many falling victim to scams, making uninformed investment decisions, and missing out on the opportunities presented by crypto/web3. Beyond media, there are fewer communities in Africa focused on deliberate onboarding and training of everyday Africans to actively participate in the web3 space in areas such as contributing in DAOs via governance, operations, community participation, etc. .

Project Impact

Bankless Africa recognizes the critical need for accessible and trustworthy crypto education, deliberate web3 onboarding, capacity building and empowering more Africans to participate in DAOs and web3 projects in general. So we have been on a journey to make these possible through:

  • Decentralized Media
  • Community Building pods
  • DAO participation by requiring members to engage in governance activities and also use web3 tooling for coordination, collaboration, project management

MEDIA - Building the Crypto education and Information Hub of Africa

The Bankless Africa media is one of the most comprehensive and established platforms for educating and informing Africans about all things crypto/web3. It’s a commitment to providing accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information that ensures that individuals are guided on their web3 journey in a relevant way. The Bankless Africa Media includes:

The Bankless Africa Podcast

The Bankless Africa Podcast highlights projects, ecosystems, and people making impact and driving the adoption of decentralized technologies across Africa. Another notable show from Bankless Africa is Sats & Gwei, a weekly roll-up of crypto/web3 headlines across the African continent. Together these podcast serves as a great place for everyday Africans to get relevant and great crypto education and information while also serving as a window for people outside Africa to catch up on all the crypto/web3 innovations, news and updates in Africa. It is no surprise that the podcast has grown into one of the biggest crypto podcasts in Africa with over 30,000 All time downloads and still growing. We have published over 80 episodes!

Available on all podcast platforms Podcast website - Apple podcast - Spotify -


Bankless Africa newsletter

The Bankless Africa newsletter serves as a crucial conduit of crypto information, tailored for the African audience. Recognizing the continent's diverse dynamics, our editorial team meticulously curates content that resonates with both crypto audiences at various levels. .The newsletter provides content on a variety of topics, including Bitcoin, DeFi, crypto regulations, projects, Layer 2s, and more.

Read here -


Blocscribe Publication: Connecting Africa to the global decentralized world

Blocscribe is Bankless Africa's premier publishing platform, taking an intentional Web3-native approach to content delivery. As we offer profound insights into the transformative potential of blockchain technology for Africa's financial and societal realms, we believe in immersing our readers directly into the Web3 environment. By hosting our content on a Web3-native platform, we not only provide valuable information but also facilitate a firsthand experience with Web3 tech, ensuring readers become familiar with its nuances just by engaging with our articles. While Africa strides forward in the crypto adoption landscape, marking a significant presence globally, many of its inhabitants remain unaware of blockchain's broader horizons. Blocscribe is here to bridge that knowledge gap. Through comprehensive and engaging articles, we illuminate the myriad ways blockchain can foster wealth creation, enhance governance, and drive societal advancements across the continent.

Read & Mint here -


Community - Onboarding, Capacity Building, web3 participation

The Bankless Africa community takes a grounded approach towards onboarding, capacity building, and empowering everyday Africans to participate in web3, from contributing to DAOs to starting their own projects and everything else in between. The Bankless Africa community consists of pods that serve as talent/skill hubs for members interested in developing specific skills and engaging in the community and the web3 space as a whole. This model of community setup has made Bankless Africa a great catalyst for its members and Africans to start their crypto journey from complete novices to becoming degens, regens, DAO participants, writers, researchers, coders, podcasters, and everything else in between. We achieve these due to a rich tapestry of activities designed to not just introduce but also immerse our community members into the world of web3. Some of these events include:

  1. Web3 Knowledge Sessions: Education forms the bedrock of adoption. Our knowledge sessions are tailored to provide a deep dive into the underlying principles, technologies, and innovations driving the Web3 space. Through these sessions, we demystify complex topics, ensuring every member has a solid foundational understanding of the decentralized future.

  2. Web3 How-To Sessions: Knowledge is power, but practical know-how is empowerment. Beyond theoretical insights, our how-to sessions offer hands-on guidance on navigating the Web3 ecosystem, from setting up wallets to engaging with decentralized applications. These sessions are crucial for those looking to transition from passive observers to active participants in the digital frontier. The session also includes how to use web3 and DAO toolings and how to contribute in DAOs such as voting on proposals, writing proposals, etc.

  3. Web3 Quests: Learning is most effective when it's engaging and rewarding. Our Web3 Quests gamify the educational experience, allowing participants to undertake challenges, hone their Web3 skills, and stand a chance to win exciting prizes. This approach not only incentivizes learning but also solidifies knowledge through practical application.

  4. Cohort-Based Learning Programs: Collaborative learning accelerates understanding. Our cohort-based programs, like the writers' upskilling initiative, bring together like-minded individuals to learn, share, and grow collectively. By fostering a sense of community and collaboration, we ensure that members benefit from diverse perspectives and experiences, further enriching their Web3 journey.

  5. Game Night: Building a community isn't just about learning; it's about connecting and having fun together. Our Game Nights serve as a relaxed space where members can unwind, bond, and engage in friendly competition. Beyond entertainment, these sessions subtly incorporate Web3 elements, further familiarizing members with the ecosystem in a laid-back setting. It reinforces the idea that Web3 isn't just about technology, but also about people, connections, and shared experiences.

  6. Twitter Space While the heart of Bankless Africa thrives within our community, we recognize the importance of casting a wider net to truly catalyze change on the continent. Our foray into hosting Twitter Spaces is a testament to this commitment. Twitter, with its vast and diverse user base, offers an unparalleled platform to reach a broader audience, many of whom are yet to be introduced to the Web3 realm. By hosting spaces on this platform, we are essentially setting up open classrooms, allowing curious minds to stumble upon, listen in, engage, and get a taste of the decentralized future. These outward-facing programs aren't just about the dissemination of knowledge, but also about sparking conversations, challenging the status quo, and democratizing access to Web3 education. Every Twitter Space we host is an open invitation to the masses, signaling that the Web3 revolution isn't an exclusive club, but a collective journey, and everyone's invited.

  7. Meet Ups Meet ups are a great way to bring people together and build a community around a shared interest. By organizing meet ups, we create a space where people share their ideas and experiences related to blockchain technology. We organize Meet ups to facilitate impact onboarding where we educate and onboard people on how to use web3 technologies such downloading wallets, engaging in simple transactions etc.






Bankless Africa: Media Partner for Crypto Conferences in Africa

Bankless Africa has solidified its position not just as a beacon of crypto and Web3 knowledge, but also as the trusted media partner for major crypto events across the continent. From Lagos, Nairobi to Accra, when there's a crypto conference, you'll find our team on the ground, capturing moments, conducting interviews, and delivering real-time updates. This isn't by mere chance; our unwavering commitment to providing comprehensive, accurate, and timely insights has made us a great choice and good partners for event organizers looking for credible media coverage.

Being at the forefront of these conferences allows us to tap directly into the pulse of the crypto ecosystem in Africa. We get firsthand access to innovative startups, thought leaders, policy shapers, and crypto enthusiasts, ensuring that our world remains updated with the latest trends, debates, and breakthroughs in crypto Africa. Our coverage also goes beyond just reporting; we help weave narratives, share stories, and highlight the individuals and projects that are driving the crypto revolution in Africa. Through our extensive event coverage, Bankless Africa continues to bridge the gap between on-the-ground happenings and our widespread audience, ensuring that no significant moment in the African crypto space goes unnoticed.




How will you spend your funding - Our plan for the Arbitrum Ecosystem for the next 3 months.


While we have created and continue to create great content around L2s. We believe that getting funding will help us to amplify and create more strategic and ecosystem-specific content to further the mission and vision of Arbitrum and increase adoption across Africa. Here are our plans for the next 3 months for Arbitrum ecosystem


Content to educate the masses in Africa about Arbitrum Podcast -> 1/month covering Arbitrum and it’s ecosystem Newsletter -> Series of features to cover Arbitrum Publication -> Zero to Arbinuats for Africans and beyond! Workshops Duration- biweekly workshops platforms/locations: Telegram, Discord and general(Zoom) Meetups Execution Strategy At Least 1 meet up in each of the following countries in the next 3 months Nigeria Ghana Kenya Uganda Tanzania South Africa

How do we measure success?

Podcast Engagement

Downloads and Listens A steady rise in the number of podcast downloads and listens is a direct indicator of growing interest and engagement with Bankless Africa's content. Tracking this metric over time will help evaluate the effectiveness of topics covered and the resonance of the content with the audience.

Newsletter Impact

Subscriber Growth: A consistent increase in newsletter subscribers is a positive sign of the expanding reach of Bankless Africa's message. Open Rates: Beyond subscription numbers, we monitor open rate to get insights into how compelling and relevant the content is to the readers.

Publication on Blocscribe The number of articles we publish and the number of reads is an indication of message being received.

Workshops Sessions and Programs: Monitoring the frequency and diversity of knowledge sessions, how-to tutorials, and cohort-based learning programs will help assess how actively Bankless Africa is addressing the educational needs of its community.

IRL Meetups 👍🏾 Number of meet ups 👍🏾 Number of Participants

Social media engagements

Twitter Spaces and impressions: An uptick in Twitter spaces and impressions signifies Bankless Africa's commitment to reaching a broader audience. It underscores the endeavor to make crypto and Web3 education accessible to all, even beyond the immediate community. Links Website: Bankless Africa podcast : Bankless Africa newsletter : Telegram : Twitter : Discord : Commonwealth: Github : Why do we qualify for web3 community We're actively fostering a decentralized future in Africa through a multi-pronged educational approach. Our initiatives, spanning from podcasts to cohort-based learning, empower Africans with web3 knowledge, ensuring active community participation in DAO activities like governance. By bridging the crypto education gap and facilitating community-led web3 discussions. Additionally, we are building a vibrant, informed, and engaged web3 community across the continent who bring various perspectives and experience to the web3 space, fostering inclusively and contributing to making web3 truly global.

Bankless Africa History

Explore projects

Creating an advanced, open-source, and community-driven crypto tax tool with modular framework, focus on interoperability, transparency, and customization for all tax jurisdictions.
Creating a marketplace for Carbon-backed NFTs with metadata to transparently verify and trade eco-credits, linking marginalized community projects with carbon offset buyers. Won ETH Safari in Kenya.
Building a decentralized city on Roatan to fast-track longevity-focused companies, with the first community in Prospera facilitating rapid drug development and a series of themed weeks on longevity and technology.
Initiative focuses on fighting climate change via sustainable beekeeping, offering training, workshops, and fostering community, using raised funds to expand education and partnerships.
Project: Educational workshops, planting initiatives, and community-building within regenerative crypto philosophy, using web3 tools. Seeking funding for growth and supporting the GPN ecosystem.