Bankless Publishing

$530.98 crowdfunded from 180 people

$2,415.36 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
A decentralized community initiative producing high-quality educational content on blockchain technology topics like DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, and scalability. The content is free, multilingual, and aims to promote global adoption of a bankless paradigm. Funds will support content creation, user experience, and community engagement.

Bankless Publishing is a project incubated within BanklessDAO, a decentralized community focused on driving adoption and awareness of decentralized blockchain technologies. Bankless Publishing is dedicated to creating and distributing high-quality content that promotes decentralized technologies, including DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, scaling solutions, and introductory educational content.

We’ve built strong trust with our readers and have made web3 education accessible via our content. Since 2021, our global team has shipped approximately 500 meticulously crafted articles and newsletters, helping our readers to better understand DeFi, NFTs, the metaverse, Layer 2s, crypto-legal issues, and the DAO space.

Our content has been read over 3 million times, and serves as a gateway to the world of web3, transcending language barriers and reaching communities in over 15 languages in 168 countries.

Our goal is to provide user-friendly and accessible educational resources to people interested in learning more about web3. Through our content, we aim to bridge the gap between complex concepts and mainstream understanding, empowering a wider audience to embrace the bankless future.

Bankless Publishing operates as a decentralized platform, ensuring diverse perspectives and comprehensive coverage of the decentralized finance landscape. We believe in the power of decentralized media to provide unbiased information and foster a more informed community.

The content produced by Bankless Publishing is freely available to the public, and we rely on funding to sustain and expand our operations. With this grant, we will continue generating valuable educational content, amplifying decentralized knowledge, and spreading bankless culture to a global audience.

Problem space: Bankless Publishing addresses the following problems:

  • Lack of accessible educational resources: Many individuals are interested in web3, decentralized finance, and blockchain technologies but struggle to find credible, accessible and user-friendly educational resources. Bankless Publishing is working to bridge this gap by creating content that simplifies complex concepts and empowers people to navigate this space with confidence.
  • Information centralization: Traditional media often lacks comprehensive coverage and unbiased information about decentralized finance and blockchain technologies. Bankless Publishing aims to provide diverse perspectives, in-depth analysis, and unbiased reporting to foster a more informed and engaged community.
  • Awareness and adoption: Many people are unaware of the benefits of going bankless. With our content, we’re working to raise awareness and drive adoption by disseminating educational content that highlights the transformative power of these technologies.

By addressing these problems, we’re contributing to the BanklessDAO mission of driving adoption and awareness of web3 and the adoption of decentralized financial technologies.

Roadmap for Use of Funds: Content Creation and Curation (70% of funds):

  • Allocate a significant portion of the funds towards compensating the editorial team for their writing, editing, and curating efforts.
  • Expand the scope and depth of content creation, covering a wide range of topics within the web3 ecosystem, including DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, and emerging trends.
  • Support the production of high-quality articles, newsletters, and curated insights to keep our audience informed and engaged.
  • Explore collaborations with industry experts and thought leaders to bring unique perspectives and cutting-edge insights to our readers.

User Experience and Accessibility (20% of funds):

  • Improve the user experience of Bankless Publishing website and newsletters.
  • Optimize the platform for various devices, including mobile devices, to ensure seamless access for users on the go.
  • Implement accessibility standards to make our content accessible to individuals with disabilities, fostering inclusivity and equal access to web3 education.

Community Engagement and Growth (10% of funds):

  • Allocate resources to actively engage with our community, fostering discussions, and gathering feedback to continually improve the user experience and content offerings.
  • Organize virtual events and AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions with industry experts to facilitate knowledge sharing and community interaction.
  • Support community-driven initiatives and collaborations that align with our mission of driving adoption and awareness of decentralized technologies.

By following this roadmap, Bankless Publishing will be able to further empower individuals worldwide with decentralized knowledge, while compensating the dedicated editorial team for their valuable contributions. The efficient allocation of funds will ensure the continued growth and sustainability of the platform, enabling us to reach more individuals and drive broader accessibility and adoption of web3.

Please note that the percentage allocations mentioned above are approximate and can be adjusted based on the specific needs and priorities of Bankless Publishing.

Our Team:

  • Hiro Kennelly: Writer, Editor, and Coordinator at BanklessDAO, Associate at Bankless Consulting, and DAOpunk.

  • Trewkat: Writer, Lead Editor, and Designer at BanklessDAO.

  • Frank America: Author, Comedian, and Musician. Frank serves as the Editor-in-Chief of The Rug News and a Content Manager/Staff Writer at Bankless Publishing.

  • Siddhearta: Writer, Editor, and Explorer at BanklessDAO and Bankless Consulting.

  • Mashal Waqar: Leads partnerships at Bankless Publishing. She conducts research on protocols, web3 grants, and token models. Mashal was previously the co-founder and COO of The Tempest and COO at VenturePunk.

Our diverse team of talented individuals brings together a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various domains related to crypto, web3, writing, editing, design, and partnership management. Together, we are dedicated to providing high-quality content and driving the adoption of decentralized technologies through Bankless Publishing.

Bankless Publishing History

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