BaseX - universal evaluation engine. Impact. Externalities. Cobenefits.

$74.86 crowdfunded from 91 people

$485.16 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Developing a platform to redefine economic value by accounting for climate impacts, aligning incentives with the triple bottom line—people, planet, and prosperity—via a fact-checked, permissionless reporting system.

Universal evaluation engine. Impact. Externalities. Cobenefits.

Solving the problem of misaligned incentives of the economic system in the context of climate change.

New definition of value.

Beyond GDP.

Triple bottom line: people, planet, prosperity.

Fresh air: no value.

Polluted air: disease, medical bills, good for the economy 🤷‍♀️

Current status: "just add people"

(that is why participating in GG19 is critically important to raise awareness of the project)

We have accomplished M1 (milestone 1) that allows users to use the platform in a permissionless way:

  • create organisation
  • create report
  • create evaluation

Reports and evaluations are fact-checked by Kleros jurors. Currently we are on the testnet, no real money involved.

Try it for youself:

Recent progress

  1. Participating in Kleros bootcamp:

  2. Being featured here:

  3. Blog with recent updates: long link to Mirror

Pitch video

Why BaseX?

Capitalism works, but it works too well, victim of its own success. Sickness, obesity, addiction, prison sentence as business model. Often a legal and profitable stuff outsources harm to nature, future generations, vulnerable communities.

We need to account for the full cost of the product, account for externalities. By doing this, we can accomplish multiple goals:

  1. Penalise those who do harm

  2. Reward those who do good (but are not rewarded in the current system)

Economic incentives matter, incentives are the driving force of the universe.

Read more

  • (you'll find pitchdeck and whitepaper there)
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  • Any question just ☎️:

BaseX - universal evaluation engine. Impact. Externalities. Cobenefits. History

  • applied to the Climate Round 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 91 people contributed $75 to the project, and $485 of match funding was provided.

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