BaseX - universal evaluation engine. Impact. Externalities. Cobenefits.
average score over 3 application evaluations
Redefining value to address climate change by penalizing harm and rewarding sustainable practices; aiming to create a backup civilization on Mars while improving life on Earth through a new economic model.

Solving the problem of misaligned incentives of the economic system in the context of climate change.

New definition of value.

Beyond GDP.

Triple bottom line: people, planet, prosperity.

Fresh air: no value.

Polluted air: disease, medical bills, good for the economy 🤷‍♀️

Why BaseX in the first place?

Capitalism works, but it works too well, victim of its own success. Sickness, obesity, addiction, prison sentences as business model. Often legal and profitable stuff outsources harm to nature, future generations, vulnerable communities.

(All of the suffering of victims, families, communities, public safety has a cost, massive negative value that is not accounted for. This problem is applicable to climate as well as many other industries too.)

We need to account for the full cost of the product, including negative externalities. By doing this, we can accomplish following goals:

  1. Penalise those who do harm

  2. Reward those who do good (but are not rewarded in the current system)

Economic incentives matter, incentives are the driving force of the universe.

How big is your why?

Climate change:

  • Tipping points
  • Feedback loops
  • Non-linear changes
  • Noone in charge, noone has a clue, obsolete climate models, uncharted waters
  • Metacrisis, polycrysis, everything crisis

Conclusion: We need to have a backup civilization on Mars, before we go extinct on Earth.

But that presents a dilemma:

  • Work on climate change on Earth, slow down the collapse, get us more time to go to Mars
  • Focus on Mars directly, surely in the process we will discover some new tech that will make life on Earth more user-friendly

So do you work on climate change or on backup civilization? What if you could have both? BaseX, the universal evaluation engine, is a project that is practical to solve climate change and at the same time will be useful with the backup civilization on Mars. You can also trace origin of the name:

  • SpaceX: making life multiplanetary
  • BaseX: making life multiplanetary, starting from the Earth

Future of human civilisation is on the line and we treat this project very seriously.

Current status:

Breaking changes to the infra: read latest on the blog.

Goerli Testnet down, our essential piece of infrastructure (Kleros jurors) is not available. We appreciate this setback as an opportunity to rethink our architectural choices, taking one step back to take 10 steps forward, Kleros was super problematic to integrate. See this post of forum and EIP discussion.

Seriously considering "Web of Trust": gitcoin gov post by Owocki, youtube presentation from ETH Denver. There is a chance we will join forces, see our blog post about potential collaboration.

We are on the cutting edge of the problem, at the source, pushing the limits of what is possible, establishing a new standard. Of course temporary setbacks are part of the process but we are 💯💯💯 determined, we are here to stay.

New updates for GG20

1️⃣ We Don't Have Time:

tweet (31.2K view on the platform with 135.K followers, also featured on LinkedIn)

2️⃣ Results from Kleros accelerator. Didn't receive direct investment but it was worthy endeavour. 2m15s pitch preparation: 13m06s pitch iself: 3m08s pitch reflections:

3️⃣ Inclusion in the Positive Blockchain database:

4️⃣ Multiple media apperances from ETH Denver: one, two, three

(our main objective was to raise the awareness and onboard people to the platform and we've progressed on these fronts)

Old updates from GG19:

~~"just add people"~~

NO LONGER APPLICABLE. As explained above in "current status" section , the Goerli Testnet shutdown affected a piece of infrastracture and now we are working towards Web of Trust, without dependency on Kleros.

  1. Participating in Kleros bootcamp:

  2. Being featured here: (actually they are pivoting too, no longer online, check this message)

  3. Blog with recent updates: long link to Mirror

Our videos

59s short pitch for yet another programme:

2m16s gift towards Climate Coordination Network: (trying various marketing strategies to get attention and incentivise participants)

Learn more

  • 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯
  • | pitchdeck | whitepaper
  • Join our Discord:
  • Read our Mirror blog:
  • Follow us on Twitter:
  • Any question just ☎️:

We are here to stay, for as long as it takes, in one shape or form or another

The work will continue. It might sound as "confirmation bias" but the deeper we dig the higher coviction, this is a super important problem and the TIMING with exponential technologies makes it possible. Slide for the pitchdeck:

slide TED Talk: The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed

Spoiler alert: TIMING and we have timing on our side... Majority of the people in the climate space intuitively understand the problem, that makes a pitch much easier :)

Let's go 💯💯💯

BaseX - universal evaluation engine. Impact. Externalities. Cobenefits. History

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