average score over 4 application evaluations
BCard is a web2 to web3 bridge using a payment card tied to social tokens, offering revenue share and brand engagement for partners, plus user rewards and education.

BCard is an affinity payments platform for tokenized communities. It’s designed to easily bridge users from web2 to the ownership economy of web3. We’re combining reliable payment technology in the card issuing industry with social token rewards on the blockchain, and collaborating with partner organizations to strengthen their brand, buff their revenue, and grow their audience. With our infrastructure, partner communities can integrate with our community card or launch their own branded payments card.

BCard is currently undergoing live beta testing in the US, with our first cards having shipped in February. Integration with our community card will be available for orgs of any size. Once we have integrated their token as a reward, customers can choose them in the rewards section, and a portion of revenue will be directed to their community treasury.

Branded cards will offer an upgrade path for larger communities. Our first branded community card is Nouns, and their card is in live beta in the US.

The BCard branded card offers a rewards programme for communities of all sizes, with no setup fee and speedy setup time. Our first two partners in the BCard branded programme are Origin Protocol (Arbitrum), and Pool Together (ETH Mainnet)

Value is created for all parties involved:

  • For BCard through a strengthened network, which will reinforce our rewards programmes and loyalty to all brands involved.
  • For partner communities (for-profit and non-profit) through revenue share, memetic brand proliferation, community engagement, and token buy pressure.
  • For users through rewards incentives, community equity, web3 education, and web3 tooling integrations for voting, staking, and delegating.

We have started with DAO contributors, but our ultimate goal is to create a frictionless onramp for the crypto-curious. It currently takes hours (or days!) of research for people to engage in the web3 ecosystem. BCard will allow any user to start contributing within minutes instead of days by eliminating the biggest UX issues up front (i.e. gas fees, DEX's, etc) and teaching users about these core self-custody concepts over time in the app itself. The result is an app that teaches people how to use web3 simply by using the app itself.

BCard History

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