
$215.23 crowdfunded from 66 people

$493.28 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Growing the Web3 community at the intersection of DeSci and DeFi, focusing on education, events, and content to enhance scientific collaboration using blockchain technology.

BanklessDeSci is dedicated to growing and educating the Web3 community. Our initiative sits at the intersection of decentralized science (DeSci) and decentralized finance (DeFi), uniting these communities to advance onchain scientific collaboration.

For the last 3 months, we have focused on putting together the BanklessDeSci Unconference, creating educational resources, hosting community events, and generating quality content to enhance general understanding of significant issues facing the scientific community. Our approach aims to catalyze community growth and highlight how DAO structures and blockchain technology can reshape scientific discovery.

Specifically, we are creating beginner-friendly tutorials to explain DeSci concepts, developing a weekly newsletter to unpack academic research challenges while highlighting the latest news in the DeSci ecosystem, organizing the BanklessDeSci Unconference, and bringing scientists and blockchain developers together. Moving forward, we plan to expand our educational reach, forge new partnerships across Web3 domains, and continue engaging diverse communities to drive innovation at the frontier of open science.

BanklessDeSci History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 66 people contributed $215 to the project, and $493 of match funding was provided.

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