
$45.46 crowdfunded from 5 people

$137.78 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Decentralized, blockchain-based satellite monitoring platform for global conservation, aiming to fight deforestation and climate change with a public API for data access and analysis.


Empowering global conservation with accessible satellite monitoring. BIOrbit is a decentralized tool for sustainable management using web3 technology. 🌳

BIOrbit is an affordable decentralized planetary monitoring platform that uses satellite imagery and blockchain technology. Our goal is to promote sustainable environmental management and fight against deforestation and climate change.

You can't measure what you don't know, and you can't improve what you can't measure.


What we are gonna build?

We want to build an API where the satellite information collected through the BIOrbit monitoring exercise can be queried. This collected information can have various and unrestricted uses, such as ecological research, conservation, data transparency, preventive alarms, replicating experiments, and education. This information can be consumed through the API that will connect to a Data Lake, which will store the information in a lighter matrix format than the original, allowing for easy querying.

How it will work?

The ETL process is segmented into 3 parts and will be performed in Estuary (from Filecoin). The first step, which is extraction, will use a scraper or an API to download satellite images from a target provided by coordinates. The second step, transformation, will convert this information into a matrix format, allowing us to handle a lighter format without loss of quality. The third step will load the information into Estuary and index it in a relational database, which will enable its subsequent querying with the API we will develop.

What will be its impact in this phase?

As the first public data, we will monitor 5 natural parks of relevance in biodiversity and other things for Latin America. These are:

National Natural Park Chiribiquete, Colombia Extension: 2,782,353 hectares Endemic species: At least 30 species of endemic plants have been recorded, as well as several species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Threatened species: It is home to at least 70 species of endangered mammals, such as the jaguar and tapir. Types of ecosystems: It includes tropical humid forests, savannas, and tepuys. Cultural importance: It is an area of great cultural importance for the indigenous communities that inhabit the area, such as the Cubeo and Piapoco.

Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica Extension: 42,500 hectares Endemic species: At least 500 species of endemic plants have been recorded, as well as several species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Threatened species: It is home to at least 400 species of birds, several of which are endangered. Types of ecosystems: It includes a variety of ecosystems, such as humid tropical forests, mangroves, swamps, and beaches. Cultural importance: It is an area of great cultural importance for the indigenous peoples that inhabit the area, such as the Bribri and Cabecares.

Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico Extension: 723,185 hectares Endemic species: More than 300 species of endemic plants have been recorded, as well as several species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Threatened species: It is home to at least 20 species of endangered mammals, such as the jaguar and tapir. Types of ecosystems: It includes humid tropical forests, low jungles, and mangroves. Cultural importance: It is an area of great cultural importance for the Mayan communities that inhabit the area, who have used the area's natural resources for centuries.

Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador Extension: 120,000 hectares Endemic species: At least 5 species of endemic plants have been recorded, as well as several species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Threatened species: It is home to at least 100 species of birds, several of which are endangered. Types of ecosystems: It includes páramos, Andean forests, and glacial lagoons. Cultural importance: It is an area of great cultural importance for the local communities that inhabit the area, who have used the area's natural resources for centuries.

Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, Peru Extension: 2,080,000 hectares Endemic species: At least 200 species of endemic plants have been recorded, as well as several species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Threatened species: It is home to at least 13 species of endangered primates, as well as several species of aquatic birds and mammals. Types of ecosystems: It includes terra firma forests, flooded forests, and rivers. Cultural importance: It is an area of great cultural importance for the indigenous communities that inhabit the area, such as the Cocama and Bora.

Who will it impact?

It will serve researchers, students, and anyone who wants to propose analysis algorithms with or without machine learning, furthermore, it will impact anyone else who might be interested in monitoring and conservation, including committed governments, public institutions, and NGOs.

Global collaboration with dynamic teams (universal access transparency).

Our product can contribute to solving the issues of reproducibility and replicability by utilizing Web3-native tools to create attestations for each analysis component, including raw data, computational engine, and application result. This allows for the creation of a trusted network for maintaining these components, with each network participant responsible for reproducing the calculation and validating each result.

In addition, our product offers a decentralized and secure data storage and access system that can enable redundancy and censorship resistance, reproduction of results, and even the ability for multiple parties to collaborate and add new data to the dataset. This allows for sensitive data to be securely replicated by trusted parties, enabling easier access to scientific data while maintaining privacy and security.

Furthermore, our product can utilize Web3 public data solutions such as IPFS, Arweave, and Filecoin, which are optimized for decentralization, to support the creation of truly open science. For example, by providing universal access to climate and weather data through dClimate, our product can support global research and collaboration in the field of climate science.

Why are we a DeSci product?

If we consider that the goal of DeSci is to build a public infrastructure to finance, create, review, accredit, store, and disseminate scientific knowledge fairly and equitably using blockchain technology, then the platform we have mentioned could be considered a DeSci product if it meets the following criteria:

  • The platform is a public, open, and decentralized infrastructure.
  • -The platform allows for the publication, review, and dissemination of research projects.
  • The platform promotes justice and equity in access to scientific knowledge.

BIOrbit History

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