bitbeckers | hypercerts ecosystem dev
average score over 1 application evaluations
Applying for a grant to validate and improve the hypercerts ecosystem while supporting and expanding it through a funding cycle of grants, reputation building, and ecosystem growth.


Hiya, bitbeckers checking in. This grant application is the setup to an experiment on supporting the hypercerts ecosystem with support from the ecosystem, while dogfooding our stack.


Hypercerts are a key component in the interconnected impact (funding) network. A common narrative discussed at events, in podcasts, or any other channel is the concept of bootstrapping a project from inital grants to larger funding flows by kickstarting with a grants, ship, create hypercerts, build/grow reputation, rinse, wash, repeat.

I'm applying to this round to bootstrap an experiment on that growth cycle for multiple reasons:

  • Validate our assumptions
  • If valid, identify gaps in the current stack
  • Have an independent funding stream to support projects in our ecosystem
  • Simply eating our own dogfood.

Why me?

As a core contributor the the hypercerts ecosystem I get a lot of joy from supporting projects that want to build on top of hypercerts. I've been fortunate enought to support teams like VoiceDeck, Spark, Green Pill Network, HyperStaker, HPGF, and many others.

There are many project that try to build on/with hypercerts and I feel strongly they could benefit from additional technical/product expertise. That is what I want to offer with the support of your grants/donations.

Moreover, with any budget, I can fund other developers and onboard them into this project and cycle.


The setup is as follow:

  • Grant from the current round will be deposited into a Safe. This allows for easy onboarding of other contributors and transparency in value flows.
  • When working with project, for instance shipping hypercert features, hypercerts are created and Karma GAP entries will be created for this project.
  • Next round, I (or we?) will apply with a report of work done, hypercerts created and milestones delivered.

Success is validated if and when the next itteration kicks of with a larger budget and more supporting members.

bitbeckers | hypercerts ecosystem dev History

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