Greenpill Dev Guild
Developing web3 tools for communities focusing on public goods, enhancing coordination, impact measurement, and simplifying regen space onboarding. Proceeds will fund development work, software services, and infrastructure hosting.

We’re a collective of regen developers building tools for Greenpill chapters and regen communities.


The Greenpill Dev Guild is centered around creating products that use emerging web3 technologies from quadratic funding, hypercerts, attestations and more to help chapters and communities coordinate around public good actions. We’ve been actively building with a focus on simplifying onboarding into the regen space, measuring the impact of public good actions, and coordinating within regen communities.


The proceeds earned from the round will go towards providing the dev guild with the following:

  • Software Services - Tools such as Github, Figma and Miro to support our development process, making product iteration faster.
  • Infrastructure Hosting - Assets and APIs for products hosted by a cloud provider to ensure uptime and a quality user experience.
  • Development Work - Funds to pay for product, engineering, and design work by individuals within the guild.

Greenpill Dev Guild History

People donating to Greenpill Dev Guild, also donated to

Developing web3 tech for nonprofits, with multilingual, zero-fee, crypto donation platforms, referral rewards, NFT collections, and plans for Quadratic Funding and DAO integration.
Developing an Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) to align carbon markets with broader ecological benefits such as air, water, soil, biodiversity, and equity through stakeholder collaboration and three key tools: Activator, Common Language, and Storytelling.
Creating a cross-community knowledge base and Interest Graph for Token Engineering through a graph database and curation service protocol, aimed at fostering growth in token engineering.
Engage the Koh Phangan community in regenerative finance and sustainability through events, NFTs for environmental initiatives, cleanups, and educational outreach, while planning a recycling project, Re:Plast, to convert plastic waste into valuable products.