Octant Community Round 1

Currently running on the Optimism blockchain from 12 Sep 2024 12:00 to 26 Sep 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 10
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$1 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
26 Sep 2024 23:59
Round will end on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
A decentralized, ad-free social media platform using IPFS for privacy and data control, with features like NFTs, direct donations, private messaging, and community engagement without exploiting user data.
Zo House: Empowering Web3 Builders in Asia.
Zo Houses are physical spaces fostering Web3 innovation through workshops, hackathons, and community events in India, aimed at empowering local developers and nurturing the Ethereum ecosystem.
BanklessDAO: Layer 2 Review
A curated newsletter offering comprehensive updates on the Layer 2 ecosystem, aiming to educate and inform users with accurate information, boasting over 20k subscribers.
Promoting scientific progress in Latin America through blockchain technology and decentralization, fostering open-source knowledge, and aiding researchers with tools and visibility.
Greenpill Dev Guild
Developing web3 tools for communities focusing on public goods, enhancing coordination, impact measurement, and simplifying regen space onboarding. Proceeds will fund development work, software services, and infrastructure hosting.
Provides visual insights into EIP, ERC, and RIP activities, along with tools for tracking EIP editor progress, ensuring transparency and efficiency.
Archive Hong Kong 香港民間檔案館
ArchiveHK, established in 2023, preserves Hong Kong's endangered books and archives. Their efforts include public curation events and raising awareness to safeguard historical records.
Welcome Onchain
Helping users safely navigate and understand the crypto ecosystem by mapping connections between projects, contributors, and technologies.
Decentralized Cleanup Network
A blockchain platform rewarding global cleanup efforts through digital assets, incentivizing participants with dynamic NFTs and fostering environmental stewardship via decentralized apps and community partnerships.
EcoSynthesisX - Empowering Environmental Impact with Blockchain
Utilizing Web3 and blockchain, we're transforming Public Goods into liquid assets, developing impact product collections, and creating an impact marketplace to support environmental and economic initiatives.
Ethereum Cat Herders
We promote collaboration, transparency, and growth within the Ethereum community by educating developers on network upgrades, improving communication, and supporting initiatives for community engagement and diversity.
Six-month community-run fellowships support developing open-source DeSci tools, focusing on pragmatic, tangible outputs. Cohorts of about 20 collaborate on DeSci products, balancing other commitments.
A DAO aiming to unite and grow the Regenerative Finance (ReFi) movement through online and real-world initiatives, media broadcasting, and collaborative events.