Octant Community Round 1

Currently running on the Optimism blockchain from 12 Sep 2024 12:00 to 26 Sep 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 10
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$1 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
26 Sep 2024 23:59
Round will end on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
FunDeSci (Multi-Chain Crowdfunding Platform)
A decentralized NFT-based platform for scientific crowdfunding, publishing, and collaboration, leveraging blockchain to empower researchers by democratizing access to funding and tokenizing research outputs.
Spark Ecosystems | Impact Evaluation Tools
Developed "Spark Ecosystems" tools for evaluating and certifying impact, including "Deresy," a decentralized review system for Hypercerts, and "Hyperminter," simplifying Hypercert minting for Gitcoin grantees.
LunCo - collaborative systems engineering
A platform integrating space and robotics models into a virtual world to facilitate collaborative engineering, with web3 for decentralized data sharing and efficiency in solar power network planning.
AstroChain aims to unite astronomy enthusiasts in an ecosystem, offering a dApp for NFT-based space content, sky scanning devices, and a metaverse platform for education and research.
Greenpill Kenya Octant community Round.
Building public goods program focusing on biological carbon sequestration, sustainable farming, and Web3 education. Activities include IRL events, soil improvement, river cleanups, and wallet safety training.
Dream DAO - Generation Accelerator (gen/acc)
Empowering Gen Z to leverage web3 for social impact through education, internships, and gatherings. Launching a pilot of the Generation Accelerator to nurture youth innovation and building culture.
Moos: A Berlin hub for reimagining our cities
A Berlin cultural center champions crisis creativity, social empowerment, and cooperative events. Features a residency, events hall, and community initiatives, hosting global Web3 and regenerative organizations in 2023.
40 Acres DAO
Creating self-sustaining communities of color through blockchain, promoting individual and communal growth in arts, organizing, and literature via culturally designed applications.