Octant Community Round 1

Currently running on the Optimism blockchain from 12 Sep 2024 12:00 to 26 Sep 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 10
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$1 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
26 Sep 2024 23:59
Round will end on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
DAO Coalition
Advocacy group for DAOs seeking legal clarity, building governance tools, pursuing 501(c)(4) status, and launching lobbying efforts. Founded by DAO industry leaders.
Regens Unite - Bridging Climate Solutions with Events & Media
Regens Unite runs events and produces educational media to foster regenerative climate solutions through community building, expertise sharing, and innovatively integrating web3 for systemic change.
Gravity DAO
We support decentralized organizations by managing conflict, promoting trust, and enhancing leadership through education and community-building services, fostering a resilient and connected ecosystem.
Glo Dollar
Hold a fiat-backed stablecoin that funds public goods and charities with all profits, promoting zero-cost philanthropy and automatic public goods funding.
Greenpill Network
A network of hackers and activists using crypto to drive global public goods and regenerative systems through local impact events, workshops, and educational resources. Donations expand initiatives.
W3K Building Octant Ecosystem
Organizing educational events across Kerala to expand the Octant ecosystem, focusing on data sovereignty, smart contracts, and foster a sustainable community within the Web3 space.
Follow the Black Hare
We're creating an open-source game to teach Web3 concepts through storytelling and game mechanics, featuring multiple endings and exploring players' cognitive biases.
Documenting and leading web3 public goods funding, Devansh reviews Thrive Protocol and Devcon applications, serves on Gitcoin and Octant councils, and provides research on successful initiatives and best practices.
Flow State (Streaming Quadratic Funding)
A digital platform enhancing sustainable funding for public goods through continuous, programmable money allocation and a cooperative legal structure. Features include Streaming Quadratic Funding for real-time support and streamlined grant management.
Sov's Compendium
Sov's Compendium is a collection of curated information sauces, research, and valuable tools that might help your journey toward sovereignty.