DAO Coalition
"a voice for DAOs, especially in Washington DC"
Innovation in the DAO ecosystem has been outpacing the rate at which relevant legal clarity is established, leaving entrepreneurs, investors, and changemakers in the dark as to how to compliantly proceed. The DAO Coalition intends to help shed a light on some of these matters, by tapping into the insights and opinions of the various DAO communities, and advocating on behalf of them.
Proudly founded by LexDAO, ATX DAO, Lobby3 and PAC DAO.
As we pursue 501(c)(4) status, to become a social welfare organization and properly advocate on behalf of the DAO ecosystem, we will focus on building and maintaining repositories for interdata exchange between keystone governance primitives and integrations, such as Snapshot voting strategies and Hats Protocol Eligibility Modules.
Helped catalyze this Open Civics genesis round.
Created the Snapshot strategy for Hats Protocol and are maintaining it at https://github.com/daocoa/snapshot-strategies . (Check out https://snapshot.org/#/makerspace.eth/ for a project using the integration.)
Finalizing the Gitcoin Passport module for Hats Protocol and will maintain it at https://github.com/daocoa/gitcoin-passport-eligibility . Update: Done!
Expect to have 501(c)(4) status in Q1 2024 -- so any day now! -- and can then begin lhttps://github.com/daocoaobbying activities. Update: Done!
Make this FOSS stack build user-friendly https://youtu.be/gDfBFLgDaXE?feature=shared
get involved
If you are curious about working with DAO Coalition, or representing your DAO or onchain organization in our collective efforts, please contact us at https://www.daocoalition.org/team .
Soon, you'll be able to self-mint a human verified hat and vote on polls about DAO policy and regulation.
hackathon history
We discovered the Hats x Snapshot and Hats x Gitcoin Passport interdata needs and developers who can easily solve it at https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/allonet . We spent the time at that hackathon planning to execute over a few months.
Hats x Snapshot finished for Hats Season 1 https://quests.com/p/01HHTDF73B4QQZQSDF4P3C1F8E and Hats x Gitcoin Passport is finishing for Hats Season 2.
We were thinking about Allo next, but with PGN shutting down we might prioritize Hypercerts next. We need an update on Allo v2 though, maybe at the Consensus hackathon.
DAO Coalition History
accepted into GG22 OSS - dApps and Apps 5 months ago.
accepted into Octant Community Round 1 6 months ago.
accepted into Hackathon Alumni 11 months ago.