average score over 1 application evaluations
A DAO aiming to unite and grow the Regenerative Finance (ReFi) movement through online and real-world initiatives, media broadcasting, and collaborative events.

Let's GROW DAO is a network of pioneers on a mission to Unite and GROW the Regen/ReFi movement.

Our vision is to propel ReFi into the mainstream discourse and cultivate an active, vibrant community dedicated to actualizing a regenerative world.

As a DAO, we recognize the diverse efforts of passionate individuals and groundbreaking projects within the ecosystem. We aim to break down the silos that have traditionally hindered collaborative progress.

Our Work

Through our online, IRL and hybrid initiatives, we amplify the voices that need to be heard to GROW the ecosystem. From those building public goods to cultural architects, from innovators in dMRV technologies to the guardians performing on-ground work, from community nurturers to educators and media catalysts - all play a vital role in GROWing the movement.

Let’s GROW DAO currently operates two initiatives; Let's GROW Live & Regenaissance

Let's GROW Live

Let’s GROW Live is a decentralized media & broadcasting platform to support aligned stakeholders to connect with their communities and have a wider reach through our distribution network.

LGL - GG21

We have done 3 special edition 24/7 X Spaces during Gitcoin Grant Rounds (19, 20 & 21) and video broadcasting through several distribution partners including ReFiDAO, Bankless, Regens Unite, Unify and few others via multiple social media platforms such as X, Youtube, Twitch, Facebook and Linkedin.

We help people and projects connect real time across the world. This allows projects to sense-make, educate, raise awareness, share knowledge, brainstorm, collaborate and coordinate actions over a period of 2 weeks. GVGW8bIaEAANiLx

We managed to achieve the following numbers on average from each edition of Let's GROW Live 24/7 during GG19, GG20 and GG21

3 Seasons Cumulative Metrics

  • Spaces Duration: 1,000+ hours
  • Speakers: 3,000+
  • Listeners: 48,000+
  • Impressions: 300,000+

Let's GROW Live Coordination Flow

LGL Diagram September

Regenaissance Events

Our first IRL event was organized at the Regen Village during ETH CC in Brussels, Belgium. It was aimed to fulfill several needs in the ReFi ecosystem namely:

  1. Making ReFi events accessible to all - In partnership with Regens Unite we broadcast all the prominent talks and presentations via multiple broadcasting partners across various social media platforms as mentioned earlier.

  2. Bridging the funding gap for ReFi projects - We invited 4 investors who were interested in ReFi and made a case for them to build conviction and thesis around it. We curated 8 projects who were looking to fundraise and organised a pitching session for both in person and online participants. We leveraged our network to broadcast this to a large audience to reach more investors and bring more funding into the ecosystem.

  3. Bring ReFi into the mainstream conversations - We aimed to attract non-ReFi crypto natives into the ecosystem through a celebratory party with regen vibes, culminating the end of Regen Village. We managed to attract 500 people and planted a tree for each person that attended the event. photo_2024-09-10 11.05.36 Welcome to the party

1 Lit at the party

Use of Additional Funds

  1. Improve Let's GROW Live experience with improved tooling for coordination and reaching more platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok and Farcaster.

  2. Pay contributors to edit and curate ReFi content created through Let's GROW DAO's initiatives as well as from other aligned partners. Goal is to reach wider audience and onboarding new members into the ecosystem.

  3. Organize more IRL events, create better experiences for attendees and produce higher quality broadcasting with better equipment.

Expect the funds to be utilized over the next 3 to 6 months for completion of the tasks above.

Let's GROW DAO History

People donating to Let's GROW DAO, also donated to

Ugandan NGO trains rural farmers in sustainable agriculture, offers community climate resilience workshops, and aims to expand its facilities to empower women, families, and youth, while conducting large-scale tree planting and wetland restoration.
ReFi DAO utilizes Web3 to support regenerative projects focusing on social and ecological well-being, with initiatives like mass tree planting, an Ecological Benefits Framework, and Local Nodes global network growth.
Regens Unite runs events and produces educational media to foster regenerative climate solutions through community building, expertise sharing, and innovatively integrating web3 for systemic change.