Blockchain Accelerator Machine (BAM) - Version 2

$80.53 crowdfunded from 72 people

$308.36 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Educational initiative on Ethereum and Solidity for Latin America, offering in-person workshops, online content, and a learning platform, with aims to deepen blockchain development skills in Spanish.

BAM is an educational hybrid mode initiative on Ethereum blockchain technology and the Solidity programming language, specifically designed for the Latin American and local Medellín community. This project was developed by the Cypherplatxs program at Platohedro, with the support of the Ethereum Foundation during 2022-2023.

All BAM content is provided in Spanish, and we rely on practical methodologies such as:

  1. In-person study sessions (4 sessions).
  2. Visual materials uploaded to our YouTube channel (4 videos).
  3. An asynchronous learning platform with updated materials.

With approximately 67 developers participating, we achieved a significant impact on our local and international community. BAM is for the community!

Proposal and its value: BAM version 2

Taking into account the previous impact and aiming to expand it, we propose a second version of BAM in which we seek to deep dive into these concepts, inspired by the Ethereum Speed Run. Our proposal includes:

Project creation: NFTs, DEX, dApps, and more. Conducting in-person workshops to cover the proposed topics. Expanding the BAM educational platform with new topics. Creating repositories to facilitate access to the topics. Generating content: In addition to the BAM platform and GitHub repositories, we will upload session videos to platforms like YouTube and Archive.

With this proposal, we aim to grow and solidify the community of developers and builders on the Ethereum network in Latin America. We will create content in Spanish that can be accessed by the Spanish-speaking community. Additionally, we will ensure the creation of safe spaces. At Platohedro, we support inclusion and advocate for the rights of all!

Specific objectives of the proposal

From Platohedro and its Cypherplatxs program, we aim to continue scaling up knowledge about Ethereum and the technologies surrounding it. That's why, in this second edition of BAM, we seek to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Applying learning through creation: In the initial version of BAM, we explained the basics of development. In this second edition, we want to put that knowledge into practice. The topics to be covered include:

    1. Creation of NFTs, DEXs, dApps and Multisign wallets.
    2. Introduction to HardHat and Foundry.
    3. Clean code in Solidity.
    4. Introduction to L2s.
  2. Content creation in Spanish: We will focus on recording the 4 workshops and uploading them to the BAM platform for access by any interested user looking to learn about these topics. Additionally, we will create repositories with the discussed code, their respective solutions, and some additional challenges. Lastly, the BAM platform will serve as a study guide with comprehensive and educational documentation for those wishing to learn.

  3. Connecting people: At Platohedro, our primary focus is connecting real individuals with real and secure learning spaces. For this reason, we have collaborated with prominent local communities, including ETH Colombia, ETH Medellín, dotlabs(), and web3foru. These partnerships, combined with a strong and consistent communication strategy, will allow us to increase our impact, establish more robust workshops, and expand throughout the region.


Version 2 of the Blockchain Accelerator Machine (BAM) aims to advance into a deeper and more practical stage regarding the Ethereum and Solidity concepts previously covered in BAM Version 1. With this proposal, we aim to grow the community of developers and builders on the Ethereum network in Latin America. We will provide workshops, visual material, a comprehensive study guide, and a repository with practical exercises, all in Spanish. Our mission at Platohedro is to connect real people, and that's why we strive to establish strong partnerships with local Ethereum nodes.

Relevant links

Platohedro website: Cypherplatxs website: BAM website: Github’s Platohedro:

Blockchain Accelerator Machine (BAM) - Version 2 History

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