Block&Change Amplify - Hands-on Content for Developers

$79.17 crowdfunded from 28 people

$314.63 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Promoting blockchain and Web3 education among Hispanic developers through workshops, hackathons, and community building, focusing on inclusivity and diversity led by a largely female team.

Empowering Hispanics developers in Web3 Education

The goal of the Block&Change Amplify project is to advance the adoption and understanding of blockchain technology, Web3, and decentralized applications (dApps) in the hispanic community by providing high-quality educational resources and hands-on experience through IRL hackathons and online workshops with experts.

Problem Statement: The blockchain and Web3 ecosystem is evolving rapidly, but many web2 developers still lack a clear understanding of these technologies and their potential applications. There is a significant knowledge gap when it comes to translated material into spanish, which acts as a barrier to wider adoption.

Our Solution: We aim to solve these problems by providing educational opportunities, fostering a supportive community, and promoting inclusivity in the blockchain space. Our approach includes:

  • Hosting hackathons, workshops, and webinars on blockchain and Web3 technologies.
  • Sharing hands-on content in our social media channels.
  • Partnering with other hispanic communities in Spain, LATAM and global community connecting blockchain enthusiasts, developers, educators, and businesses in our TG group.
  • Focusing on diversity and inclusion to ensure that underrepresented voices and perspectives are heard and valued.

Outcome: In three months, we anticipate the following outcome:

  1. Increased participation in our hackathons and educational workshops.
  2. Expansion of our community to include a diverse range of participants.
  3. The delivery of innovative blockchain projects that address real-world problems.

Progress So Far (3 Months of Work): Since March 2023, we have made significant strides in establishing the Block&Change platform and building our community:

  1. We have hosted over 15 successful webinars, X Spaces, Community Calls and IRL workshops and networking events, gaining valuable feedback from participants.
  2. We hosted our first IRL Hackathon in Madrid in October 2023, with more than 115 registrations, 81 show ups and 20 projects.
  3. Hosted our first unConference following up the hackathon with +30 speakers and over 70 participants, the quality of the speakers and the level of engagement with the audience during all panel discussions and debate were the talk of the community for weeks after.
  4. Over 10 sponsors and 50 partners throughout all our events.
  5. Over 1.2k followers in our social channels (Telegram, Twitter, Linked In, YouTube, mailing list)

Why This Grant is Essential: This grant is essential for the sustainability and growth of our educational initiatives. It will help us continue to provide valuable learning opportunities and resources for our community in the hispanic ecosystem.

We believe that by strengthening the blockchain knowledge base and fostering a diverse and inclusive community in spanish, we can empower more developers to participate in the blockchain and Web3 ecosystem. This aligns with Gitcoin's mission of supporting open-source projects and promoting innovation in the blockchain space and SheFi’s mission of empowering Female Founder projects to thrive.

This project was initially powered by two female founders and most of our team is female. It continues to be led by a female leader of Shefi’s community.

Budget Allocation: Funding from this grant will be allocated to:

  • Host online workshops for developers tackling specific challenges on the topics of: Smart Contracts, d'App creation, ZK and more.
  • Marketing and outreach to attract a diverse audience (including female developers) to our events.
  • Community management to ensure inclusivity and support for all participants.

We kindly request your support to further our mission of blockchain education, community building, and inclusivity.

Thank you for considering our grant proposal, and we look forward to the possibility of collaborating with Gitcoin and SheFi in advancing blockchain education.

Block&Change Amplify - Hands-on Content for Developers History

  • accepted into SheFi GG19 Round 10 months ago. 28 people contributed $79 to the project, and $315 of match funding was provided.

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