Campus Voice
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Web3 application for secure campus elections, using Internet Computer blockchain, React, Tailwind CSS, Internet Identity authentication, enhancing voting security, speed, and cost-efficiency.

Democracy is at the heart of every civilization, and for this reason, it is one of the most targeted areas by criminal masterminds and power addicts of our modern world. However, the recent rise of blockchain technology, specifically the Internet Computer, has given everyone the power to own and control their data. Campus Voice is a web3 application built on the Internet Computer using React, Tailwind CSS, and the Juno toolkit. With Campus Voice, the voting ledger is stored directly in the Internet's Computer blockchain making it immutable. This not only makes the application credible and reliable but also fast and cheap due to the Internet's Computer low gas fees.

In addition, using Internet Identity as a login method for a voting application offers several significant advantages. Firstly, it enhances security through multi-factor authentication and cryptographic authentication, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and voter fraud. Secondly, it provides convenience and accessibility for voters who can use familiar credentials like email or social media accounts, simplifying the participation process. This approach can also bolster trust by leveraging established identity providers, increasing confidence in the election's fairness and security. Moreover, internet identity can streamline voter registration, improve data accuracy, enhance audit trails, ensure scalability for large voter populations, and facilitate compliance with relevant regulations. However, it's essential to consider privacy, consent, and accessibility when implementing such solutions and align them with the legal framework of the jurisdiction where the election occurs.

The Campus Voting Website is designed to simplify the voting process for campus elections. It leverages modern web technologies such as React, Ant Design, Tailwind CSS, and Web3 through the Juno toolkit.

Campus Voice History

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