$174.46 crowdfunded from 4 people
$49.10 received from matching pools
Application to develop the local node in Dar es salaam and Njombe in Tanzainia. The local node will be focused on promoting regenerative finance practices and supporting projects that align with this mission. This will include initiatives related to sustainable waste management, agriculture, renewable energy, social impact investing, and more.
We are aiming to empower waste pickers by attesting for a universal basic income as well as basic life needs such as health insurance, working equipment and micro-credits.
Our local node will also serve as a hub for community engagement and education, providing resources and support for individuals and organizations interested in learning more about regenerative finance and how it can be applied in their own projects and initiatives.
Refi Dar es salaam Local Node History
applied to the Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago which was rejected
accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 4 people contributed $153 to the project, and $49 of match funding was provided.
accepted into ReFi Local Nodes 1 year ago.