$23.91 crowdfunded from 0 people
I tell people all the time, "I get screened because I plan to have grandchildren, and I wanna be around for my kids and their kids." - James, prostate cancer survivor.
Cancer screening public awareness campaign reaches millions of people each year
ACS develops and publishes screening guidelines
Grants to health system partners help reduce barriers to cancer screenings
The American Cancer Society leads efforts across the nation to increase cancer screening rates because we know that finding cancer early increases survival rates. We develop and publish cancer screening guidelines to give people the best chance to survive a diagnosis.
Through donor and regional support, the American Cancer Society provided $1.5 million in grant funding in 2022 to 76 health system partners to bolster their efforts and further help reduce barriers to accessing cancer screening, resulting in 362,400 breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer screening completed.
Twelve US state coalitions or roundtables were funded to develop cancer awareness campaigns in 2022. We advocate at the federal and state level for protection for increased funding for breast and cervical cancer screening.
Our cancer screening public awareness campaign reaches millions of people each year, providing information and helping people find a screening location in their communities.
We fund health equity grants and screening programs to help reduce disparities in cancer care among communities of color. Our CHANGE grant program has contributed to more than 1.3 million low to no-cost breast, cervical or colorectal cancer screenings in local communities since 2011.
Cancer screening saves lives History
applied to the American Cancer Society 1 year ago which was rejected