Carbon Anti-Theft

$210.29 crowdfunded from 175 people

$1,824.68 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Implement a smart contract, "Carbon Flow," using ERC-1155 to regulate carbon token transfers, prevent theft, and enable carbon token swaps. It introduces voluntary emissions withdrawal, "retired" tokens, and competitive carbon tax set by DAOs. Funds will finalize the DAO's user interface and audit the smart contract.

Carbon markets is a multi-trillion (in dollars) business. It follows that without a theft protection it all will be stolen and therefore all this makes no sense.

The smart contract "Carbon Flow" allows to limit amounts of carbon transfers between carbon accounting organizations (absolutely or per a time-frame) using ERC-1155 technology. This helps against theft. (If one carbon token is compromised, the entire system isn't, it continues to work, you just switch to another notary for accounting.) Also found-in-theft tokens may be paused and/or devalued.

This anti-theft technology is anticipated to be used together with other carbon tokens, by creating carbon tokens swaps, lockers, or bridges. Together my anti-theft technology and anti-theft technologies of other carbon tokens can provide better protection than without my contribution.

Also, this contract allows to voluntarily withdraw from carbon emissions and receive so called "retired" carbon token, and allows carbon accountants (can be international DAOs, notaries, city or region DAOs, etc.) compete setting different "tax" for users. For international organization the taxed tokens can be used e.g. for climate science, for cities to buy bikes, etc.

So, we will have a free market of carbon accountants such as notaries and nonprofits, with UI to account carbon.

The main contract is ready, it remains to create a DAO around it.

The project money are to be used to finish the DAO project (that is the user interface for carbon accounting) and for smart contract audit.

Development: Since Alpha round the following progress was reached: The DAO app was started anew in Next.js framework and Colony SDK framework. In fact the app was half-written from zero. Particularly, database scheme, frontend layout, login form, forms for creating/editing the new organization data and tokens, list of organizations and of organizations child/parent tokens, organization auto-complete input, were created, as well as the form for minting carbon tokens, form for adding "child" tokens. There were also created Ethereum widgets and utils, such as Colony-compatible waiting for an Ethereum transaction, Ethereum connect button, and others.

From the previous I learned the lesson that I should create a standalone Colony SDK app, not Colony extension, for simplicity. My attempts to create an extension for a DAO hindered development of the project.

The money are going to be used to support me in my current hard financial situation after death of one of my parents, so that I will be able to work on this project.

Carbon Anti-Theft History

  • applied to the Climate Round 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 167 people contributed $173 to the project, and $1,084 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 8 people contributed $38 to the project, and $741 of match funding was provided.

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