Chinwags: Focused Retreats for Web3 Builders
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A retreat intertwining a hackathon and think-tank for deeper collaboration in web3 challenges, fostering creative problem-solving with relaxation in natural settings.

Retreat + Hackathon + Think-thank. Collaborative problem-solving with deep relaxation in nature. 🌱

A cross between a think tank, hackathon and retreat in a beautiful natural location

We believe web3 needs more events focused on tangible outcomes.

Why Chinwags?

  • Large conferences center around fast-paced networking and product shilling, without space for deeper conversation and creation
  • Small online events can be challenging for attendees to connect personally and stay focused
  • In-person side events and workshops are held alongside city conferences, without time for decompression and deeper problem-solving

👉 Here lies an opportunity to create intentional, outcome-oriented spaces to enable deeper levels of collaboration.

The Goals

  • Connect minds on the most important challenges in web3
  • Create intentional spaces with a sharp focus on outcomes
  • Facilitate partner-led workshops with deep ecosystem knowledge
  • Unite dedicated builders during the bear market
  • Provide natural landscapes for healthy routines, decompression & creative thinking

What we’re building:

Nature-based retreats for web3 builders, set in beautiful locations around the world with programs intentionally designed for long-format, deep discussions and plenty of healthy decompression in between.

Chinwags are designed to foster creative thinking, collaborative solution design, and deeper connection between participants so that together we can address some of the larger challenges in the web3 space.

👉 We’ve launched Chinwag #0: a genesis event for the DAO ecosystem.

This retreat brings in experienced builders as well as emerging founders, focused on addressing some of the larger challenges faced by DAOs:

  • Pending regulation in the EU & USA
  • Participation rates in governance
  • Public perception of DAOs
  • Funding mechanisms
  • Community health

👉 With your support, our small team can continue building the core framework for this project, enabling anyone to run their own localized retreats for the web3 space.

Let’s evolve the web3 events space to create the room we urgently need for creative solution design and coordination, to progress through our biggest challenges together.

Every donation counts, and we would greatly appreciate your contribution!

➜ Visit our Website ➜ Join Telegram group ➜ Follow us on Twitter

Chinwags: Focused Retreats for Web3 Builders History

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