$39.94 crowdfunded from 17 people
$5.10 received from matching pools
Clonk.me is a new design for a web3 social network where you can post replies on NFT with any other NFT and sort any replies you receive.
Sites like Reddit and Hackernews use upvote democracy to motivate commenters to appeal to all readers in order to have your message sorted to the top of the list. This is vulnerable to Sybil attacks though so Clock.me changes the approach so that the parent NFT owner has control over the message sort. This still spreads the work of moderation among participants but escapes the worry of people making many accounts to manipulate votes.
As of now, clonk.me supports posting plaintext, file uploads (on chain), and external resources as new NFTs, as well as specifying an already existing NFT. Also, an NFT can be posted under multiple parents (e.g. a meme) so that it can become a central point with lots of attention (and therefore value).
Code is at https://github.com/numtel/clonk-me
Since GG18, I've created the first extension to clonk.me as an NFT collection where anyone can create a lottery using randomness provided by Chainlink VRF. There are no fees and you can set up as many winners as you want as well as other recipients from the pot of ticket sales, for a fun way to raise funds.
Create your own at https://lotto.clonk.me/ An example lottery at https://clonk.me/nft/80001/0xC4F907e052235738B275e20c1cAfC3f8d2EE60ea/1 Code at https://github.com/numtel/lotto-launcha
I've also started exploring creating an account abstraction wallet to make it easier for people to post on clonk.me and its related apps without needing to install a browser extension.
Code at https://github.com/numtel/nft-account-abstraction
clonk.me History
applied to the Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago which was rejected
accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 17 people contributed $40 to the project, and $5 of match funding was provided.