Codingsh Open Source Developer

$357.17 crowdfunded from 149 people

$279.70 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Seeking a monthly grant to fund full-time open-source blockchain development, contributing to several projects across various sectors with a two-year goal, requiring 100,000 GTC.

The open-source funding challenge is a critical aspect of sustaining innovation and creativity in the blockchain industry. As a full-time bounty hunter and open-source contributor, I am passionate about what I do, but financial constraints often hinder my ability to deliver high-quality projects. With your support through grants, I can maintain my focus on building groundbreaking blockchain solutions that have the potential to change the world.

Funding Request:

To continue my work as an open-source blockchain developer, I am seeking a fixed monthly amount that will enable me to dedicate my time and resources to create quality projects. Your contributions will play a vital role in helping me reach my goals and launch a new protocol. I anticipate that this will be my final grant round for the next two years, and I am eager to give back to the community in any way I can. My estimated funding requirement for launching the protocol and scaling my idea is 100,000 GTC.

About Me:

From a young age, I have always aspired to be a scientist. My introduction to the open-source community in 2012 allowed me to combine my love for technology and innovation with my desire to contribute to projects that have a real-world impact. Thanks to platforms like Gitcoin, I have discovered new opportunities and challenges, and I am deeply grateful for this experience. As an open-source scientist, I have created this grant proposal to support my ongoing commitment to developing blockchain solutions that can make a difference. Your support on this journey is invaluable.

GitHub Feed:


Community Contributions:

SuperFluid SushiSwap MaskBook Gitcoin Badger Dia Data Binance SmartChain Optimistic Boba Network Avalanche Aurora Near Protocol Projects:

RealCodeCamp FutureBank In Development:

Carteira Wallet GetDaocash.eth InfinitySwap (CrossChain Swap) Noce (NFT Store) White Hat Tooling 2 Daos Toolings [Dao to Dao] 1 info DAO platform Bridge and NFT B2B Payment Tools DAO Update (News about DAO)

Serial Founder:

  • Green
  • Art Generative
  • Fashion
  • Music
  • Governance
  • Development

In conclusion, your financial support will enable me to dedicate my time and efforts to open-source blockchain development, ensuring that I can continue to contribute to projects with the potential to change the world. Your investment in my work will not only benefit my personal growth as a developer but will also foster a thriving ecosystem for future blockchain innovations. Thank you for considering my proposal, and I wholeheartedly appreciate any contributions you can provide.

Codingsh Open Source Developer History

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