Gitcoin China Ecosystem Development

$1,255.16 crowdfunded from 1028 people

$4,065.97 received from matching pools

Promoting Gitcoin Chinese community engagement with weekly AMAs, content translations, forum moderation, and support for Gitcoin product integration and governance in China.

加入中文TG群组 Welcome to join us ->

Gitcoin中文周报:订阅入口 -


We are going to have more people to join the AMA sharing session, for more info, please click

Update 2022.2.25 We made decision to have Gitcoin Chinese AMA on Discord server

Join us by blick

move to #中文AMA-每周五21:00


每周Gitcoin更新 Grant介绍 AMA环节 Update 2021.11 We have published new website:

We have Chinese AMA each Friday, record here.

Welcome to join us ->

FDD User Support Bob leads FDD User Support workstream, if you would like to contribute to GitcoinDAO, please goto

And then fill in the contributor form.

Looking forward to work with you, grow Gitcoin together ;)

We have website:

Chinese AMA each Friday, please find info on our homepage.

What has been done? Community support

forum moderation (discord discussion) telegram group & wechat group Content (sharing)

GTC&Gitcoin sharing Gitcoin articles I translated before (on my blog, 5 posts there) translation introducing GTC ( Gitcoin and GTC sharing on Bihu What support is needed? Regular sync with Gitcoin team Funding support (for Bounties) Translation materials (platform) - crowdin Online meetup (speaker support) What are in future? Gitcoin product support in China Continual community support like: Forum moderation (and Discord discussion) Telegram group & Wechat group moderation Project connection Grant support GTC (and governance) support and other product support Meetups Organize online/offline Gitcoin meetups in China Attend/support other conference with Gitcoin introduction (like EDCON) Content Translation Blog & website (about/mission/support) Knowledge base and API document Newsletter (WeChat publication) Create new China focused content Online and offline meetup (slides) Channel Create wechat official channel with dedicated Chinese contents Empower community to moderate wechat group - staff it and manage the community moderation etc Moderate Chinese language Telegram group

Gitcoin China Ecosystem Development History

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