[Colledge Program] Mastering Liquid Staking with Metapool: Understanding, Utilizing, and Unleashing Its Power

$68.77 crowdfunded from 35 people

$538.22 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
An educational program to teach liquid staking via Metapool through live and recorded masterclasses, providing comprehensive learning resources and ongoing participant support over six months.

Tagline Mastering Liquid Staking with Metapool: Understanding, Utilizing, and Unleashing Its Power

We are pleased to present a project for an educational program focused on providing knowledge and facilitating learning about Metapool. Metapool is an innovative concept that holds great potential in the field of liquidity staking, and this program aims to empower participants with a deep understanding of its principles, applications, and implications.


Summary Since 2019, our academy has remained steadfast in its mission: to equip the community for the impending web3 revolution. Over the years, we have diligently crafted over 50 distinct, complimentary courses on our platform, engaging over 8,000 eager students. Additionally, our thriving YouTube channel boasts a subscriber count exceeding 4,000, while our social media presence commands a following of over 6,000 on each platform.

As we introduce our latest offering, the program "Mastering Liquid Staking with Metapool: Understanding, Utilizing, and Unleashing Its Power," we're embarking on a pivotal journey to propel our commitment further. This program represents our next stride, focusing on a specialized exploration of infrastructure and staking within the context of Metapool. Our goal is to elevate participants to the forefront of expertise in this cutting-edge domain.

Program Overview Our educational program consists of a series of 4 to 6 masterclasses, each meticulously crafted to deliver a deep dive into critical aspects of blockchain technology and its applications. Each masterclass has a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes, culminating in a comprehensive learning journey spanning 6 to 9 hours in total. The best part? These sessions are accessible to all, free of charge.

Live and Recorded Masterclasses:

Our masterclasses aren't just educational sessions; they're interactive experiences. Conducted in a live format, participants will have the opportunity to engage directly with instructors, ask questions, and gain real-time insights. However, we understand that schedules can vary, so every masterclass will also be recorded. These recordings will be made available on our platform, ensuring that participants can access the content at their own convenience. Whether you attend live or catch up later, the learning experience remains immersive and insightful.

Extended Access to Complementary Materials:

To enhance the learning process, each masterclass will be accompanied by a wealth of complementary materials. These materials include video recordings of the masterclasses, written guides, additional resources, and relevant materials that reinforce the concepts covered. What's more, participants will have access to these materials for at least a year from the program's commencement. This extended access period allows learners to revisit the content, consolidate their understanding, and continue learning long after the live sessions have concluded.

Tutorials in Various Formats:

Understanding that different learning styles require varied approaches, we're excited to offer tutorials in both video and written formats. These tutorials will be carefully curated based on the content covered in the masterclasses. This multi-faceted approach ensures that participants can absorb and engage with the material in a way that resonates with them best.

Program Focus:

Our program is structured around four key modules, each exploring a distinct facet of blockchain technology and staking:

  1. Staking on ETH and Distributed Validator Technology
  2. Liquid Staking on ETH via mpETH
  3. Staking ETH via NEAR Blockchain Operating System and Meta Pool
  4. Integrations of Liquid Staking Tokens: DeFi, ReFi, and Common Good Projects

Execution The execution of this program is meticulously structured to ensure a seamless and enriching learning journey for all participants. The program will span a total of 6 months, during which various stages will be carefully orchestrated to maximize engagement, learning, and support.

Months 1 and 2: Content Creation and Material Preparation:

In the initial two months of the program, our team will be hard at work crafting the educational content that forms the foundation of the masterclasses and tutorials. This period is dedicated to in-depth research, content development, and the creation of a comprehensive package that ensures the highest quality of learning material.

Months 3 and 4: Live Masterclasses and Interactive Learning:

With the educational material prepared, the next phase sees the launch of the live masterclasses. Taking place during the third and fourth months of the program, these masterclasses offer participants the opportunity to engage in real-time sessions led by expert instructors. Through live Q&A sessions and interactive discussions, participants can clarify doubts, explore nuances, and gain deeper insights into the topics covered.

Months 5 and 6: Ongoing Support and Problem Resolution:

As participants progress through the program, the fifth and sixth months transition into a period of dedicated support. Our commitment to your learning journey doesn't end with the masterclasses. Throughout these months, we'll provide scheduled office hours where participants can directly interact with our instructors and resolve any challenges they encounter while applying the concepts, specifically within the context of Metapool. This personalized support ensures that participants have a robust understanding of the material and can effectively translate it into practical applications.

Other features

  • Telegram with more +800 people
  • Discord with more than +700 people
  • Twitter with more than +8,600 followers
  • Instagram with more than +6,000 followers
  • YouTube channel with more than 4,300 subscribers
  • Website
  • Beacons

What will we do with the funds?

Your participation in this educational program contributes directly to enhancing your learning experience and the overall quality of the content. The funds generated from this program will be strategically allocated to ensure that you receive the highest value possible. Here's a breakdown of how your investment will be used:

  1. Compensation for Instructors: A significant portion of the funds will go towards compensating the expert instructors who bring their vast knowledge and experience to guide you through the masterclasses. These professionals dedicate their time and expertise to ensure you receive accurate, insightful, and engaging instruction.

  2. Content Creators: Crafting educational content that is both informative and engaging requires the expertise of content creators. Funds will be allocated to these professionals who meticulously create written guides, tutorials, and supplementary materials that enrich your learning experience.

  3. Video Editing and Production: Creating high-quality video content is a meticulous process that involves recording, editing, and refining. The funds will be used to ensure that the video content provided is visually appealing, clear, and professionally produced.

  4. Program Manager: Overseeing a comprehensive educational program demands dedicated management to ensure everything runs smoothly. The program manager will coordinate schedules, manage communication, and address logistical aspects, ensuring a seamless experience for you.

  5. Promotion of the Program: An essential aspect of making this program accessible to a broader audience is promotion. The funds allocated for promotion will help us reach more participants who can benefit from this educational opportunity.

Transparency and Accountability:

We are committed to maintaining transparency in how program funds are utilized. A detailed breakdown of the fund allocation will be provided upon request, ensuring that you can have a clear understanding of how your investment is contributing to your learning journey.

Enhancing Your Learning Experience:

By directing funds to these critical areas, we are dedicated to delivering an exceptional educational experience that empowers you to master the intricacies of liquid staking and blockchain technology. Your investment in this program translates into enriching content, expert instruction, and a supportive environment that nurtures your growth and understanding.

Thank you for being a part of this educational journey. Your contribution not only benefits your personal growth but also supports the development of high-quality educational resources that can benefit learners like you around the world.

Dream Team

Cristobal Pereira @crispereira.eth - CEO: I'm from Chile. Crypto & Blockchain entrepreneur since 2015. Building Colledge y Blockchain Summit Latam. Instructor in Blockchain & crypto training programs.

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/cpereirag Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristpereirag

Antonio Lopez CTO: I am from Venezuela. I love web application development. I'm self-taught and have learned many programming languages. I have lived in different countries.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoniojlopez/

Paulina Espinoza Academic Manager: I'm from México. I'm an Educational technology specialist. At this moment. I love teaching, but at the same time impacting people.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/paueslatina LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulinaec91/

Ricardo Vera Sales Manager: My profession is a lawyer but I find myself enjoying the world of sales on Blockchain.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardo-jose-vera/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RicardoJVera_

Alejandra Pacheco Partners & Incubator Manager: I'm from Mexico. Building Web3 community since 2019. Blockchain content translator.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alepachecom Twitter: https://twitter.com/aleinweb3

Cristian Velez Front-End Developer: I am from Colombia, I specialize in front end development. I have learned and fallen in love with crypto and web3. I think it will really have a tremendous potential for the region.


Alexander Alvarado Back-End Developer: I'm from Mexico.P hD in Computer Science, Experience as Web and Mobile developer, at this moment I'm learning and applying web3.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jalexanderag/

Amelia Arias Operations Manager: I'm from Colombia but living in Argentina. Background in treasury and cryptocurrency exchange.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ameliarias/

[Colledge Program] Mastering Liquid Staking with Metapool: Understanding, Utilizing, and Unleashing Its Power History

  • accepted into Meta Pool LatAm GG18 10 months ago. 35 people contributed $69 to the project, and $538 of match funding was provided.

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