Constitutions of Web3

$94.42 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Analyzing DAO constitutions, this research identifies common patterns, provides a governance template, and offers recommendations for better crafting and sharing such documents.

The governance of online communities has been a critical issue since the first USENET groups, and a number of serious constitutions---declarations of goals, values, and rights---have emerged since the mid-1990s. More recently, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have begun to publish their own constitutions, manifestos, and other governance documents. There are two unique aspects to these documents: they (1) often govern significantly more resources than previously-observed online communities, and (2) are used in conjunction with smart contracts that can secure certain community rights and processes through code. In this article, we collect and analyze a data set of DAO constitutions, observe a number of common patterns, and provide a template and a set of recommendations to support the crafting and dissemination of future DAO constitutions.

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