$104.29 crowdfunded from 108 people
$898.76 received from matching pools
Crypto Whales NFT by Highly Artistic: Using Monthly Earth Day to clean up the world and on-board non web3 users through live events and global collaborations
Crypto Whales NFT is an Environmental Impact project. Monthly Earth Day is a global movement I created Sept 22, 2022 that had resulted in over 30K trees planted and over 1K lbs of trash cleaned up in 1 year. The goal is to grow the community worldwide and on-boarding new web3 users while directly making the world a better place.
The next time you drive or walk somewhere, look around and notice the trash that is laying around. This is a major problem in some areas of the world. The trash has a negative impact and needs to be helped greatly.
With help, I am aiming to grow the global community and expand our impact even further through collaborations and partnerships to put on large clean up/ tree planting events. These events will also act as a bridge to on-board new people into web3 through help with setting up a wallet and earning crypto or NFTs for impact.
Use of Grant Funds
- I would be able to use the funds to help with hosting/collaborating clean up events
- Tarp Signs for the clean up events
- Supply green clean up bags for participants
- Extra trash grabbers
1 Year Results
- Grow participants monthly to 100+
- 30,000+ trees planted
- 1,000+ lbs trash cleaned up
- 2,500+ Matic donated to environmental charities Monthly Earth Day Growth
Future Impact
- Continue to grow the MED community participation each month to grow the global impact.
- Submit pictures of impact through an on chain option (evergreen coin, litter token, greenzone with superworld app, etc.) for proof and measurement of results.
- Partnerships and collaborations on events will help with education and awareness as well as on-boarding new people into web3/refi.
- Rebuild my discord to help reward submitting proof of impact and doing good deeds.
- Update website to show Monthly Earth Day impact.
About The Founder Nick
My name is Nick and I am big on nature and wildlife. I live in Colorado and have always had a passion for being outdoors, whether that was hiking, camping, fishing or snow sports. I have always had a strong interest in helping others/the world somehow. After trying many different jobs and industries figuring out how I can create the most impact, I am here. I decided while I am out enjoying nature, the least I could do is clean up the trails on my way back to the car. That is how the idea started.
I am a one man team and that is why I will be focusing largely on live events and building partnerships/collaborations to scale Monthly Earth Day.
I am new to Gitcoin and I hope that doesn't deter you as I have been around for a while and all I want to do is make sure I am helping make this world a better place than it was the day before.
Thank you for making it this far and I appreciate your time!
Crypto Whales NFT by Highly Artistic History
accepted into GreenPill x Octant Community Round 1 year ago.
accepted into Climate Solutions Round 1 year ago. 108 people contributed $104 to the project, and $899 of match funding was provided.