Crypto Whales NFT by Highly Artistic

$104.29 crowdfunded from 108 people

$898.76 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Environmental initiative leveraging NFTs to plant trees, clean trash, and expand global impact via community events that integrate Web3 education and crypto rewards.

Crypto Whales NFT by Highly Artistic: Using Monthly Earth Day to clean up the world and on-board non web3 users through live events and global collaborations


Crypto Whales NFT is an Environmental Impact project. Monthly Earth Day is a global movement I created Sept 22, 2022 that had resulted in over 30K trees planted and over 1K lbs of trash cleaned up in 1 year. The goal is to grow the community worldwide and on-boarding new web3 users while directly making the world a better place.


The next time you drive or walk somewhere, look around and notice the trash that is laying around. This is a major problem in some areas of the world. The trash has a negative impact and needs to be helped greatly.

With help, I am aiming to grow the global community and expand our impact even further through collaborations and partnerships to put on large clean up/ tree planting events. These events will also act as a bridge to on-board new people into web3 through help with setting up a wallet and earning crypto or NFTs for impact.

Use of Grant Funds

  • I would be able to use the funds to help with hosting/collaborating clean up events
    • Tarp Signs for the clean up events
    • Supply green clean up bags for participants
    • Extra trash grabbers

1 Year Results

  • Grow participants monthly to 100+
  • 30,000+ trees planted
  • 1,000+ lbs trash cleaned up
  • 2,500+ Matic donated to environmental charities Monthly Earth Day Growth

Future Impact

  • Continue to grow the MED community participation each month to grow the global impact.
  • Submit pictures of impact through an on chain option (evergreen coin, litter token, greenzone with superworld app, etc.) for proof and measurement of results.
  • Partnerships and collaborations on events will help with education and awareness as well as on-boarding new people into web3/refi.
  • Rebuild my discord to help reward submitting proof of impact and doing good deeds.
  • Update website to show Monthly Earth Day impact.

About The Founder Nick

My name is Nick and I am big on nature and wildlife. I live in Colorado and have always had a passion for being outdoors, whether that was hiking, camping, fishing or snow sports. I have always had a strong interest in helping others/the world somehow. After trying many different jobs and industries figuring out how I can create the most impact, I am here. I decided while I am out enjoying nature, the least I could do is clean up the trails on my way back to the car. That is how the idea started.

I am a one man team and that is why I will be focusing largely on live events and building partnerships/collaborations to scale Monthly Earth Day.

I am new to Gitcoin and I hope that doesn't deter you as I have been around for a while and all I want to do is make sure I am helping make this world a better place than it was the day before.

Thank you for making it this far and I appreciate your time!

Crypto Whales NFT by Highly Artistic History

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