
$256.95 crowdfunded from 76 people

$721.51 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Cryptonikas empowers communities with web3 education, diversity initiatives, and tech innovation, featuring educational content, partnerships, active community engagement, hackathons, and impactful projects like "Kiwi" and "Project Migrante".

Cryptonikas is a facilitator of technological development that places inclusivity, trust, and innovation at the forefront. Our mission is to empower communities within the web3 space, fostering a diverse and vibrant ecosystem through educational content, engagement, and impactful initiatives.

Achievements So Far:

Educational Content: Cryptonikas has developed an extensive array of educational resources in Spanish, encompassing podcasts, newsletters, videos, guides, and blog posts. This content empowers our audience with advanced insights into the web3 space, ensuring their readiness for the decentralized future.

Commitment to Diversity: We're deeply committed to diversity and inclusivity, as showcased through our participation in impactful events. Our presence at Miami NFT Week included a panel on Latinos in web3, while our engagement spans online panels with HERDAO and other communities. Notably, we contributed insightful perspectives to the "Onboarding Latina Women to web3" panel at ETHBarcelona, reinforcing our dedication to fostering an inclusive web3 landscape.

Accelerator Success: Among 1000 projects, Cryptonikas emerged as one of the top 100 in the buildspace accelerator. Notably, we built the "Kiwi" app—a teach-to-earn tool for content creators—excelling in app development and aligning perfectly with our dedication to leveraging technology for the public good. This endeavor is powered by technologies such as Optimism, further emphasizing our commitment to using innovative tools for the greater good.

Partnerships: We've cultivated impactful collaborations with top projects, bolstering broader blockchain adoption and innovation. Ventures with ETHbarcelona, Polygon, ShapeShift, 42 Telefónica among others, have enriched our community.

Engaged Community: Cryptonikas boasts an active, tokenized community with 600+ Instagram followers, 2000+ Twitter followers, and a +100 Telegram group. This network fosters idea exchange, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

Hackathon: Our co-organization of the ETHBarcelona Hackathon engaged 200+ hackers, +40 projects, and secured 10 sponsors. The event showcased our commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration within the blockchain space.

SuperHack Participation: We showcased our capabilities and innovation by participating in the SuperHack organized by EthGlobal. Our recent project "Project Migrante" targeting local migrant communities highlighted the use of disruptive technologies such as Ethereum's attestation service.

Events: Our successful side event "not your bikini, not your eth" marked a significant milestone, with an overwhelming response—400+ subscriptions for an event with a capacity of 100 attendees. Partnering with communities like Regens Unite, CryptoMusica, DoinGud, Blockravers, among others, we hosted an epic party and networking space, creating a fun environment for meaningful connections.

Innovation in Development: Our capabilities shine through impactful applications like "Kiwi," a teach-to-earn tool for content creators. Furthermore, our recent project targeting migrant communities highlights the use of disruptive technologies such as Ethereum's attestation service.





Looking Ahead:

We are passionate about the future of web3 and our role in shaping it. To continue our growth trajectory and expand our impact, we're seeking funding to:

Enhance Security and Scalability: We aim to further improve the security and scalability of our products, creating safe spaces for networking, ideation, and development.

Support Diversity in Hackathons: By participating in hackathons, we are actively promoting diversity and inclusion in technology development.

Expand and Develop Products: With your support, we plan to expand and develop our innovative applications, driving positive change through technological solutions.


Join us in creating a web3 ecosystem that is inclusive, innovative, and impactful. Your support will empower Cryptonikas to continue its mission of educating, engaging, and building within the web3 space. By voting for us and contributing to our cause, you become a vital part of driving diversity, education, and positive change.

Additional Information:

Explore our wide range of content, tutorials, articles, and podcasts at Join us on our journey toward a better, more inclusive web3 ecosystem.

Thank you for considering Cryptonikas for the web3 Community and Education grant. Your support is invaluable in shaping the future of web3.

Cryptonikas History

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