CryptoReuMD from Nacion Bankless
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Medical doctor turned crypto community builder aims to demystify DeFi and ReFi, facilitating access to digital assets and blockchain knowledge for non-technical and Spanish-speaking individuals through content creation, translation, and education.

Gm Gitcoin Family, I’m Very Happy to write again.


I’m CryptoReuMD (Cryptoreumd.eth), my background is medicine. I'm a medical doctor with a Rheumatology specialist, actually working in public goods and decentralized science. Thanks to my background I can understand statistics, public goods and scientific connotation of what we are doing.

I’ve started my journey in Espacio Cripto as a content moderator, content creator and community builder, then we found the Ethereum Mexico project, a community driven by the ethereum ecosystem. Meanwhile, I started working in the international media nodes from BanklessDAO, since season 2, and then I've got the opportunity to establish a subDAO called Nación Bankless.

Actually as champion of Nacion Bankless, I'm coordinating the DAO, relations, evaluation, coaching and quality monitoring. I am very committed and dedicated, I seek to help everyone, no matter how difficult or far-fetched the desire may be. We are a project of fourteen people that it’s around the world and are native hispanic speakers and some bilingual but we are intended to create content and help the people become Bankless.


In this path I've found many barriers, for doctors and other people that it’s not technology resilient, also the language, the actual user experience, fear of loss your crypto because of a mistake in the signing in or in the contract itself, also we don’t have any experience in coding or understand smart contracts, so this also it’s risky and set a higher barrier for us.

For this reason I have taken the enterprise of helping people understand ReFi, Public Goods, onChain Gaming, DAO and the importance of voting power and the fungibility and price of a digital asset.

Also in My mission, that I choose to accept it’s to create a sustainable project that helps the people in our ecosystem, and also some common ground for the builders that don’t speak spanish and help the community that doesn’t have an internet connection, means of transportation or even food.

The ultimate goal of my project in Nacion Bankless it's to create a ReFi project that it’s not intended to extract value from the ecosystem, however create the ecosystem of value around crypto, and get more opportunities for the people that need more from us.

With funds, we can make a incubator for projects that are 100% public goods, and not only a DeFi or Token gated mechanism of compensation, if we use this tools to fund our community and solve real problems, i think it’s going to be a great opportunity to see crypto as a solution and no as another problem that we have to understand.

Also another direction of this initiative it’s looking at the DeSci project, which is also part of the roadmap. I think that medicine needs the knowledge of everything, and as a medical doctor I’m battling the misunderstood health policy and social systems, and the vast majority of our patients don't have medicines, health treatments or even food. So i’m choosing as my direction to continue helping people and constitute

Previous Work: 1.- Translation for Nación Bankless of four different forum posts from Gitcoin: Gitcoin Grants Stack, A Gitcoin Passport Use Case, Sybil Resilience, How Crypto Can Regenerate the World?:


2.- Coordination of the creation and translation of two different newsletter from Nación Bankless: A.-, B.-

A.- Captura-de-pantalla-2023-09-18-a-la-s-8-16-02.png

B.- Captura-de-pantalla-2023-09-18-a-la-s-8-16-07.png

3.- Creation of a video of how to upload a Gitcoin Grant Proposal in Optimism:


4.- Creation of the first live for shill projects in the Nacion Bankless YouTube Channel


5.- Webinar of Gitcoin, Green Pill and Public Goods.


6.- News for the alliance of Meta Pool and Gitcoin


7.- Traducción del Newsletter de BanklessDAO sobre Gitcoin Grants y Bankless Academy


8.- Podcast talking about Impact DAO and how Gitcoin it’s helping to change the world


Actual Work

Actually i’m working within the BanklessDAO ecosystem to help decentralice the governance process, i’ve submitted the proposal for Meta Pool, Gitcoin Grants #18 from Bankless and I'm coordinating the shill space and creation of the first Arbitrum Round in Gitcoin.

Also i’ve started to give HyperCertz to the people that it’s helping with the Public Goods events and continue measuring impact with these ideas.

Future Work

If you help me, if you choose to help me =), and even if you don’t, i’ll continue posting and translating the content from gitcoin, also create content and how to use gitcoin and all around public goods, si this is the start line.

PROJECT CHANNELS 1.- Project Notion Page:

2.- Website:

3.- Socials:

4.- DeWork:

Personal Channels:

CryptoReuMD from Nacion Bankless History

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