
$215.58 crowdfunded from 29 people

$825.08 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Web3 platform fostering community-driven governance and public relations for NFT holders through collaborative posting, voting, and social media engagement.

Daolize is a groundbreaking Web3 platform tailored to serve NFT communities by promoting transparent, inclusive, and collaborative communication. Our mission is to empower NFT communities to self-govern and manage their public presence, fostering a strong sense of ownership and pride in their shared objectives.

The platform enables NFT holders to contribute to a unique, community-specific timeline by posting content, upvoting other members' contributions, and engaging with their peers. By using their NFTs as membership tokens, Daolize encourages active participation and collaboration within the community. The most popular posts are promoted to community social media accounts, such as Twitter, leveraging their digital presence for increased visibility and growth.

Daolize aims to create a significant impact in the following areas:

  • Community Empowerment: By enabling NFT holders to actively participate in shaping their community's narrative, Daolize fosters a sense of belonging, ownership, and pride among its members.
  • Decentralization: Daolize's Web3 architecture supports decentralization, promoting a transparent and equitable distribution of power within communities.
  • NFT Utility Expansion: By providing new ways to utilize NFTs, Daolize enhances their value and utility, driving broader adoption of digital collectibles and Web3 technology.
  • Collaborative Growth: The platform facilitates organic growth through active community engagement, turning members into advocates and evangelists of their NFT communities.

By revolutionizing the way NFT communities interact and communicate, Daolize is committed to building a more interconnected and collaborative Web3 ecosystem, where users can actively participate in shaping their digital identities and online presence.

Daolize History

  • applied to the Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 29 people contributed $216 to the project, and $825 of match funding was provided.

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