$485.57 crowdfunded from 139 people

$3,378.24 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
A decentralized platform for immutable learning and skill certification using Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized storage, empowering users with verifiable and trustworthy resumes. (URL: ) aims to be a decentralized learning and skill certification platform. We utilize Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized storage technology to store users’ learning records and skill data on the blockchain, creating an immutable resume. Our slogan is “You are what you build”. is a fully open-source, non-profit initiative. Our GitHub repository can be found at Anyone can forge their own resume on We believe that only open and trustworthy data can contribute to a more free, trusted, and efficient world.

The vision of is to empower every user in the Web3.0 era with trusted resume data, contributing to the creation of a more free, trusted, and efficient builder world. These trusted data can be used in various scenarios such as employment, crowdsourcing services, certification, and reputation systems. As more organizations and projects adopt and use this platform, a more free, trusted, and efficient world will unfold faster.

With the help of, every builder can record their learning journey and skill growth, contributing to the innovation and development in the Web3.0 era.网站: )是去中心化学习及技能认证平台。我们利用以太坊智能合约和去中心化存储技术把用户的学习记录及用户技能数据等保存在链上(SBT),形成不可篡改的履历记录。我们的口号是“码一个未来”。 是完全开源、非盈利的公益产品。我们的 GitHub 地址是。任何人都可以在 DeCert.me上 铸造自己的履历。我们相信只有开放、可信的数据才能促进形成一个更自由、更可信、更高效的世界。 的愿景是让每一个用户在 Web3.0 时代都拥有可信的履历数据,为创造一个更自由、更可信、更高效的 Builder 世界做出贡献。这些可信数据可以在雇佣关系、众包服务、认证、声誉系统等许多场景中使用。随着越来越多的组织和项目的采纳使用,一个更自由、更可信、更高效的世界一定会更快到来。

在 的帮助下,每个 Builder 都可以记录自己的学习历程和技能成长,为 Web3.0 时代中的创新和发展贡献自己的力量。 History

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