Who are we?
DeSci México is a community founded in October 2023, committed to informing Spanish speakers about science, its advancements, and specifically the applications of blockchain to enhance scientific research. Additionally, we are dedicated to generating research and outreach articles that are freely accessible in areas such as botany, natural resource conservation, ecology, neuroscience, paleontology, and areas of medical importance in our country, as well as tokenomics, blockchain, and general aspects of web3.
Why Found DeSci México?
In Mexico, the main source of funding for scientific research comes from the government, which allocates only 0.27% of the GDP to this work (World Bank, 2022). Combined with the low regard for science among the population due to the limited dissemination of scientific knowledge, we have seen a great opportunity to make a significant change with Decentralized Science (García-Bullé, 2020).
We are also aware of the scarcity of positions in academia, the high competition, and the long wait times for receiving funding. With blockchain natives, we aim to distribute funds in a transparent, rapid, and genuinely collaborative manner.
Mission and Vision
To promote and stimulate scientific work as a basic necessity for the continuity of education and development in our country. We aim to achieve this through the creation of a scientific dissemination platform in Spanish, the DeSci México journal, the Decentralized Science Podcast, off-chain conferences, Spanish-language content, and our Transparens protocol.
Participation with a track and conference at the ETH Cinco de Mayo Hackathon International and national outreach conferences Puebla Estonia Switzerland Award at the Tallinn Hackathon 2024 Outreach articles through the t2 Dapp Enviro Health Congress
What Do We Want to Do with the Funds?
We are creating our website, which will host our DeSci México online journal and a newsletter featuring events, calls for proposals, and research projects happening globally in the DeSci ecosystem.
Development of the Transparens Protocol
Organization of off-chain conferences
Start with the first Spanish DeSci Podcast
DeSci México History
accepted into GG21 DeSci Round 7 months ago.