$152.09 crowdfunded from 87 people

$250.40 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Educational DAO aims to teach blockchain and crypto to newcomers, uses DHK-token-based governance, and encourages community growth through a "pay it forward" culture, with operations funded at $2294.04 USD.


  • Mission: to educate muggles on blockchain, cryptocurrency and decentralization

  • Governance: 1 DHK 1 vote, covering issues that can be digitally achieved to facilitate the vision, mission and operation

  • Culture: Pay it forward. Always convert muggles into users of cryptocurrency and give them 1 DHK token.

  • Code of Conduct: with great power comes great responsibility. With more DHK, you have greater responsibility to convert muggles and give out all but 1 DHK. Bottom line, sell all but 1 DHK to the market

Additional Information



Total prior funding for the project in USD

GG19 total funding: 1,761.92 USD (Ref:https://app.safe.global/transactions/history?safe=oeth:0xF9549383b9238B1aE392117dEb6207D1D7840f5F)

Gitcoin Grants beta funding: 532.12 USD (Ref: https://app.safe.global/balances?safe=eth:0x649fb8b9877b018A631c0D157a9F9436Aa4dA7a4)

Total: 2294.04 USD

Total team size


How old (in Months) is the project?



Please explain how your project meets the round-specific eligibility criteria.

Providing education on web3 (we call it "web3 civil education" with weekly articles in both Chinese and English, and telegram in Chinese.

If you've participated in past grant rounds, please share any new updates or milestones from the prior months.

  • Reorganized DHK DAO core team and held the second meeting to discuss the development of DHK DAO. The meeting minutes can be found here:
    • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uhgplvRXz1NDthdSCX4z4zxGMh2RX8HE-6kMGvgaDLk/edit?usp=sharing
  • Produced 12 more issues of bilingual (Chinese and English) newsletter since GG18. The newsletter archive is available at:
    • https://weekly.dhk.org/archive?sort=new
    • https://web3dom.substack.com/archive?sort=new
  • Initiated the revision of DHK DAO governence system on DAO DAO platform. A pilot test in was conducted by the core team and received positive feedback.
  • Prepared DHK DAO YouTube channel. Discussed the content and the format of audio AI assiatance with the core team. Prioritized the implementation of this project and planned regular reviews in the future.
  • Continued Web3 education through DHK DAO Twitter
    • https://twitter.com/DHKdao
  • Reorganized DHK DAO community channel
    • Discord: DHK DAO token claim
    • Telegram: DHK DAO community activities and engagement. Super group will be created after adeque discussion within DHK DAO
  • Distributed DHK airdrop monthly for 3 times to onboard new members

Location/Region where the project is based


DHK DAO History

People donating to DHK DAO, also donated to

Taiwan-based Blocktrend simplifies Web3 and blockchain concepts through original articles and podcasts, offering insights with a unique Taiwanese perspective and gaining recognition as a trusted source for newcomers.
Taiwanese graduate created "Blocktrend," a simplified Web3 media platform, taught blockchain at universities, delivered TEDx talks, and wrote as a Bitcoin top writer.