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Building a decentralized platform for secure medical data sharing and a healthcare research marketplace to facilitate collaborations and advance healthcare research while protecting patient data.

DMedico - Unlocking the Future of Healthcare

Dive into a world where secure data sharing meets cutting-edge research! Join us in revolutionizing healthcare with our decentralized platform, where innovation knows no bounds and patients' data is safeguarded. Together, let's build a healthier tomorrow!”

We are building a platform aimed at revolutionizing healthcare research by facilitating secure document sharing and data-driven research collaborations. Our project comprises of two integral components developed through consecutive Filecoin hackathons:

Secure Document Sharing (Award-Winning Module):

  • Objective: This enable patients to share sensitive documents (reports, prescriptions, health records) securely with healthcare professionals.
  • Functionality: Built a robust module ensuring encrypted, secure sharing of medical data.
  • Recognition: Received an award for this innovative solution.
  • Repo: Frontend, Server

Healthcare Research Marketplace:

  • Objective: Establish a marketplace for healthcare data and compute resources, fostering seamless collaboration between researchers, data aggregators, and users.
  • Functionality: Researchers can request specific datasets, aggregators incentivize users to contribute data. The platform facilitates data transactions and provides a computing environment for research algorithms.
  • Recognition: Recognized by Filecoin for the innovative approach to healthcare research.
  • Repo: MedDao

That said, we are applying for the GG19 grant and specifically for the Web3 Open Source Software track to take the DMedico forward.


Users will have the option to either subscribe monthly or on a per data set / compute basis.

Funds Utilization:

Funds obtained through Gitcoin Grants will be allocated towards:

  • Technical Development: Use the grant as part time salary to merge the two products into a single platform. Enhance platform security, user interface, and overall functionality. More details in the Roadmap section of this document.
  • Research Collaboration: Partnering with healthcare institutions and researchers to expand our dataset marketplace and research capabilities.
  • Infra charges: Pay up hosting charges and/or cloud providers to host serverless functions if need arises
  • Maintenance: Maintain the product for 12 months from the beginning of the grant. Fix bugs, implement features if need be during the period.

Why Support Us:

By supporting our project, you will be contributing to advancing healthcare research in a decentralized, secure, and collaborative manner. Your support will fuel ongoing development, enhance user experience, and broaden the impact of our platform, benefiting both patients and researchers worldwide.


At the moment we are a team of two full stack developers. I am Krishanu, a data storage technologist by profession and have been building solutions and apps in web3 since a while now. My team mate is a talented young lad. Arsalaan is a full-stack web3 developer andis currently pursuing engineering in Computer Science. He is a prolific builder, marketeer and a creative genius for his age.


  • Month 1:
    • Improve the UX and security of the platform
    • Merge the file sharing and decentralized research platform into one
    • Test workflows
  • Month 2:
    • Onboard industry specialist for consultation
    • Onboard users and marketing outreach
    • Develop an AI model to classify health records into specific categories
  • Month 3:
    • Implement security fixes
    • Perform Penetration tests to improve security
    • Onboard researches and users to assess the platform


The inspiration behind building DMedico stemmed from our personal experiences as patients navigating the complex healthcare system. We recognized the challenges and frustrations of managing medical files, especially when seeking care from multiple doctors. We understood the importance of sharing specific files with different healthcare professionals while maintaining control over our personal information.

Another source of inspiration behind DMedico is the scarcity of medical images for training AI models which poses a significant barrier to the progress of medical research and the development of precise AI-driven healthcare solutions. Without access to diverse and representative datasets, AI models struggle to accurately diagnose diseases, analyze medical conditions, and provide personalized treatment plans. This shortage impedes researchers' ability to unlock the full potential of AI in the healthcare domain, hindering advancements in diagnostics, treatment, and patient outcomes.

Tech Stack:

DMedico, a sophisticated healthcare platform, was meticulously constructed through a multi-faceted approach. Frontend:

  • Designed in Figma and coded using Vanilla HTML & CSS in a native JavaScript environment.

  • Integrated Metamask for user authentication, fetching wallet addresses and file records from our API.

  • Allowed users to add new files, generating unique File IDs, file names, and upload timestamps.

  • Managed file access, enabling users to view shared files, revoke access, and delete specific records.

  • Displayed shared file details, including sender's wallet address, file name, remarks (if any), and sharing timestamp.


  • Built on Node.js with Express.js framework, running as a Docker container on Google Cloud.

  • Initiated storage deals on FVM (Filecoin Virtual Machine) for uploaded files, ensuring secure data storage.

  • Uploaded files to a Spheron bucket, generating IPFS links for user access.

  • Utilized Polybase database to store file metadata and access control information.

  • Implemented backend API calls to update Polybase with access control data, enabling seamless management of file sharing and access revocation.


Patient-uploaded files are encrypted via Lit Protocol and stored in Spheron. Notifications are managed through push protocol, and decentralized computing is facilitated by Bacalhau.

Bacalhau offers a client for user interaction, wrapped in Express.js to create an API endpoint for accessibility. Patients upload medical images, incentivized by aggregators, while researchers connect with aggregator offerings in the marketplace. Running AI jobs is simplified and cost-effective. Researchers wrap their algorithms in Docker containers, execute commands on the Bacalhau network, and receive results stored on IPFS.

The platform's programmable endpoint acts as the central connection, forming a decentralized compute platform for medical research. The entire application is hosted on Spheron.

Join us in transforming healthcare research by supporting our decentralized platform. Your contribution will drive innovation, empower patients, and accelerate groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine. Together, let's revolutionize healthcare research for a healthier future.

Thank you for your consideration and support. Should you have any questions please reach out to Krish and/or Arsalan.

DMedico History

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