- A Registry of Web3 Projects with Verified Teams
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Develop a web3 public resource for manual verification of project owners and team members to ensure authenticity, initially led by founder Leo King. will be developed into a public resource for the web3 ecosystem that offers manual verification of project owners and key team members on an opt-in basis. In essence, projects in the web3 space can opt to stand out by confirming that their teams are real human beings who match their online identities. This will be done through human verification carried about by a trusted agent, initially the founder Leo King (former customer success team lead and technical writer for Emurgo, dcSpark, etc.) working alone and later scaling up with other staff as needed. - A Registry of Web3 Projects with Verified Teams History

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Launching a Web3 bank for DAOs, offering simple loans to small businesses and DAOs, aiming to integrate conventional collateral for wider accessibility.
Kickstarting efforts to design opensource lunar lander. Long-term project. PS If you are interested in joining team - plz reach us!
ACEV provides early childhood and adult education programs to address disparities, offering family support for disadvantaged communities to promote equal opportunity since 1993.
AI and crypto-focused collaboration hub in the Argentine mountains fostering innovation with a positive impact over six weeks.