Drylands Agroecology Research (DAR)

$94.34 crowdfunded from 94 people

$679.67 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
DAR is regenerating degraded lands through research, education, advocacy, and community engagement, aiming to create thriving, symbiotic ecosystems by 2030 in Boulder County.

What is DAR? A collective born to holistically regenerate our land and the life that it nurtures--through research, design, and implementation, we’re starting a movement to replenish communities and agricultural systems while restoring our planet to a thriving state.

What is DAR's Mission? Our purpose is to regenerate landscapes to improve life on Earth. By revitalizing degraded lands and fostering ecological balance, DAR aims to create a symbiotic relationship between humanity and nature, ensuring prosperity and health for both the land and local communities. Our vision is a liveable future.

How? The 5 Pillars of DAR:

  1. Land Stewardship: Designing and stewarding agro-ecosystems that sequester carbon, reverse desertification, support biodiversity, and produce abundant food for humans. More: https://www.dar.eco/design
  2. Research: Studying the impact of scaled agroecology on hydrology, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and soil health. More: https://www.dar.eco/research
  3. Education: Empowering children and communities through knowledge sharing, teaching regenerative systems design, and promoting ecological stewardship. More: https://www.dar.eco/education
  4. Cultural Advocacy: Reviving Indigenous land and foodways, and fostering a bioregional food culture rooted in Indigenous wisdom. More: https://www.dar.eco/advocacy
  5. Community: Engaging with local and global communities to spread awareness, share knowledge, and cultivate partnerships for regenerative systems development and community resilience.

What is DAR's impact?

  1. Successfully regenerated 150 acres of drylands with 5 land partners, sequestered 450 tons of carbon, dug 23,860 linear feet of water harvesting swales, planted 12,000 trees.
  2. Established 5,000 productive trees and shrubs with minimal irrigation which feed humans and animals in silvopasture agroforestry systems.
  3. Demonstrated significant improvement in soil health and biodiversity.
  4. Launched educational programs like the Folk Farm School, influencing future generations of land stewards, over 100 students enrolled.
  5. Advocated and supported Indigenous food sovereignty and cultural projects like The Post Partum Care Project, Food Sovereignty for The Wind River Reservation, Spirit of The Sun, and Harvest of All First Nations.

To read more about our impact: check out our latest annual impact report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ms21LYpdcC1ZafE-m5P5HImQ18V1x_AJ/view (sorry it's not more up to date, we are working hard on the 2022-2023 report)

How will DAR Scale?

DAR's 2030 Goals: DAR’s goal is to rapidly scale the regeneration of degraded drylands into thriving agro-ecosystems through two approaches:

  1. By 2030, our goal is to reshape hydrology and revegetate landscapes across 1000 acres in Boulder County through partnerships with Boulder County, City of Boulder, and private landowners. The research we conduct on this scale will deepen our own understanding as land stewards so we can translate that knowledge to others.
  2. We recognize that the greatest impediments to widespread land regeneration through models like our own are lack of access to living models, lack of access to land for aspiring land stewards, and lack of resources and confidence to embark on large-scale projects of this nature. The purpose of the Agroecology Incubation Program is to overcome these barriers to adoption and provide pathways for growth.


  1. To provide an immersive training program in land design, stewardship, and research to enable the advancement of agroecological systems for the arid West and beyond
  2. To create partnership opportunities between aspiring land stewards and land owners by creating an organic forum for them to connect with one another
  3. To create ongoing pathways for growth both within DAR and in partnership with DAR
  4. To create a network for ongoing knowledge sharing, mentorship, and access to funding

A Note from Anthony Levy, Land Stewardship Specialist at DAR: "Hello! I'm Anthony Levy, a passionate advocate for land regeneration and stewardship at DAR. Thank you for considering a donation to DAR. We assure you that your contributions will be utilized effectively and efficiently towards regenerating the land and communities of Boulder County and beyond.

Please feel free to reach out to me at anthony.s.levy@gmail.com twitter.com/anthonyslevy or connect with me on LinkedIn.com/in/anthonslevy for more info.

Learn more about our dedicated team at DAR.eco/team.

Your support plants the seeds for a regenerative future!

Drylands Agroecology Research (DAR) History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 94 people contributed $94 to the project, and $680 of match funding was provided.

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