Dunbarian Civilization Research
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This project explores the formation and organization of Zuzalu-inspired pop-up villages and Dunbarian civilizations, aiming to share insights through articles on practical implementation and case studies.

This research is focused on Zuzalu inspired pop up villages and Dunbarian civilizations.

See here: What is a Zuzalu style event? https://nsforum.net/post/kjzl6cwe1jw148tq382hio2kjcnnnoarpahyaxff3nuravmsr79r1h49a408rai Lessons Learned from Zuzalu Style Pop Up Villages - https://nsforum.net/post/kjzl6cwe1jw149zs6m44uatxf7329r981pm9zb21fm87co39vl5igm0xnuezp5d What I Learned in Syria and Why I Believe in D/acc - https://nsforum.net/post/kjzl6cwe1jw14ajglliz0nxvkfdh7a16c1ohmutr5ivc3c4jb0ouneoi4pzzfjz

These writings have already been helpful for researchers and organizers who are starting more pop up villages around the world. So far there have been about 9 since the first Zuzalu. They were spread out across every continent (except Australia so far).

For Dunbarian civilizations - a civilization of opt-in Dunbar sized communities who organize into iterative co-created experiments - this includes both the Zuzalu ecosystem, indigenous tribes in the Amazon jungle, and the Rojava revolutionary area in Syria.

Noah Chon Lee is the author who has lived amongst indigenous tribes from the Amazon Jungle to ex-Zapatista areas in Mexico to the Rojava revolutionary area in Syria. See this mini-documentary about the Amazonian communities in Peru he interviewed who won a war against invaders using bows and arrows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk0x65WGdDs

He will be presenting in Dweb Camp about the fractal governance system of the Rojava revolutionary area where 5 million people chose to form into local communes and elect male and female co-chairs to cross-coordinate. Through this, they fought ISIS and won with local militias and became twice as wealthy as the rest of Syria while not having any central government and being a purely opt-in network.

This writing is barely beginning as there is so much to unpack and this grant would support the time needed for the interviews and writing that will be posted on The Network Society Forum.

The Network Society Forum is a censorship resistant place to post articles. It uses an open-source, decentralized ceramic back-end that only allows the author of a post to edit the data which means anyone can create a front-end and a post can never truly be destroyed. See more here - https://nsforum.net/post/kjzl6cwe1jw145qd0mvtozj44clnxbcxnpph54xjpxjtk8eonopjxztmnf2xt7f

The on-going impact will be to make knowledge accessible about how to create your own pop up villages wherever you are and how to organize neighborhood associations, elect representatives, and form your own Dunbarian civilization.

The specific outcome of this grant will be: -A list of upcoming Zuzalu pop up villages over the next 6 months in an article posted by October 2024 -An article comparing examples of Dunbarian civilizations posted by the end of the year -An article recommending a new voting mechanism to elect committee members based on Noah's experience on a Zuzalu committee managing a fund of 250 eth by the end of the year

Noah is not a formally credentialed researcher and this grant is an example of democratically supported research that would not be funded in a traditional context.

Please reach out to @noahchonlee on Twitter, Instagram or Telegram if you are interested in being involved or learn more about this.

Dunbarian Civilization Research History

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