Dune Analytics dashboard - Proof Of Stake by Vitalik Buterin - Digital Book

$3,698.18 crowdfunded from 2241 people

$1,809.13 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Created a Dune Analytics dashboard to track and increase transparency for "Proof of Stake" book marketing, monitoring ETH donations, NFT distribution, and donation metrics.

I did a Dune Analytics dashboard to promote, track and increase transparency about the marketing of the book "Proof of Stake" from Vitalik Buterin at Gitcoin.

This is the URL of the dashboard: https://dune.com/ivanmolto/proof-of-stake-buy-vitalik-buterin-book

The main goal of the dashboard was to track any amount of ETH donated to receive an NFT and the digitally signed book from Vitalik. But other key indicators were also provided such as total ETH donated, number of donations, number of donors, cumulative donations vs ETH donated by hour, range of ETH donated per number of donors, number of donations by hour, ETH donated by hour, number of donations by day, ETH donated by day, and total minting gas costs.

The ETH donated by donors chart was used at https://proofofstake.gitcoin.co/donations

Some Twitter mentions: https://twitter.com/owocki/status/1565074407688740864 https://twitter.com/owocki/status/1565074405675483139 https://twitter.com/DuneAnalytics/status/1566745613655580672 https://twitter.com/DuneAnalytics/status/1564970049911267328 https://twitter.com/DuneAnalytics/status/1565759330774810630 https://twitter.com/jahnsson/status/1566849260498436097 https://twitter.com/ivanmolto/status/1564888083182817280 https://twitter.com/ivanmolto/status/1564888996488138754

Mention at Dune Digest https://dunedigest.substack.com/p/dune-digest-45

Dune Analytics dashboard - Proof Of Stake by Vitalik Buterin - Digital Book History

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