EkoDoku - Ethical Silk Production

$109.91 crowdfunded from 96 people

$646.20 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
EkoDoku, a cooperative in Turkey, champions ethical silk production, conserves endangered silkworms, empowers women, and promotes sustainability in the textile industry.

EkoDoku is a visionary cooperative that intertwines the threads of sustainability, ethical fashion, and traditional textile craftsmanship. Born in Hatay in 2017 and now expanding its roots across Turkey, EkoDoku is a testament to the power of women-driven initiatives that seek harmony between nature and innovation.


  • To revolutionize the textile industry by promoting ethical silk production, preserving traditional textile practices, and championing the principles of sustainable living.

Key Initiatives

  • Violence-Free Silk Production: EkoDoku is at the forefront of producing "Peace Silk'', ensuring that silk is harvested without causing harm to silkworms.
  • Conservation of Endangered Silkworm Species: Rediscovered and nurtured the "Hatay Yellow", a silkworm species believed to be extinct since the 1960s.
  • Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals: EkoDoku's endeavors resonate with the United Nations' SDGs.
  • Circular Economy & Sustainable Production: Operations rooted in the principles of the circular economy.

Why EkoDoku Deserves Support

  • Women Empowerment: A beacon of women-led entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Cultural Preservation: Preserving a rich cultural heritage for future generations.
  • Education & Awareness: Enlightening communities on sustainable living and ethical consumption.

Future Vision

EkoDoku envisions a world where textiles tell a story of harmony, ethics, and sustainability. The goal is to expand its cooperative network, establish educational workshops, and become a global ambassador for ethical textile production.

Links for Further Exploration

EkoDoku - Ethical Silk Production History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 96 people contributed $110 to the project, and $646 of match funding was provided.

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