$3,208.23 crowdfunded from 517 people
$28,631.82 received from matching pools
Atlantis is a peer-to-peer impact network for builders, entrepreneurs and creators from the climate and social impact sector.
Introduction to Atlantis
Founded in 2022, we design and develop tools that assist ChangeMakers in initiating, implementing, measuring, and reporting the impact of their social and green enterprises/projects.
Since launching our community coordination tool, the Atlantis Citizen App, which allows community members to earn from bounties, we have successfully beta-tested it with approximately 2000 users, most of whom are from our pilot location in rural India.
Our current focus is on onboarding Impact DAOs, NGOs, and organizations that develop climate solutions, particularly those aimed at climate resilience and regenerative solutions for basic human life support systems, including water, food, energy, waste, and shelter.
What have we done since the last Gitcoin round?
The primary focus has been further developing the Citizen app by adding features that enhance credibility, incentives, rewards, and recognition for regenerative efforts, social entrepreneurs, and green jobs.
We have also invested in a physical workspace for conducting climate awareness and regenerative solution workshops. Below are the highlights from the last three months:
Climate Action
🌏Deployed over 2500 climate bounties in Chikkamagaluru, rural India, to build a resilient decentralised water network. 🌏Created green gig jobs for more than 1000+ people in rural India, providing consistent earnings for over three months for 30% of the users, averaging between 2000-2500 INR/month 🌏Dedicated over 2000 hours of engineering (4 full-time team members) to develop, design, and debug the climate coordination tool, Atlantis Citizen App. 🌏Hosted over 10 hours of climate awareness discussions through Climate Radio.
Core Team
⚡Developed the Marketplace feature in the Citizen app, giving users utility for their earned Karma.
⚡Introduced new hybrid payment gateways for both web2 and web3 users.
⚡Conducted field visits to Chikkamagaluru to gather insights from grassroots projects using the Citizen app.
Community Development
💚Organised a Save Soil awareness program at a local college in Chikkamagaluru. 💚Contributed to GP Networks' local chapter in India. 💚Setup the Bangalore Sanctuary, a hub for like-minded individuals to gather and host events/workshops. The space is designed with plants, repurposed furniture, and reused wood, and can accommodate up to 16 people.
Product Development
📲Updated the Citizen app with feedback from community beta testers.
📲Tested the Marketplace feature in Chikkamagaluru for water products and services, aiming to go live before GG19.
📲Launched bounties in Kannada, widely spoken in Karnataka.
📲Onboarded 150+ vendors & 150+ harvesters in Chikkamagaluru to join the network.
📲Built a backend bounty management system enabling anyone to create and publish bounties on the app.
Research and Learnings
✍🏾Writing a detailed case study on using web3 technology for climate and social impact initiatives at a grassroots level, in collaboration with MCV and a third-party internationally recognized organisation. Will be released in the first half of 2024.
Updates on Collaboration
🫱🏻🫲🏾With Kula on the Sacred Sanctuaries: Developed a low-fidelity prototype and secured early beta testers. A product teaser is planned for January. The Atlantis team is developing the software, while the Kula team focuses on workshops, courses, and on-ground experiences, onboarding sanctuaries in Bangalore, Himachal, Kerala, Gokarna, and Dharamshala in India.
🫱🏻🫲🏾With Earthist on Turkey Pilot: Met founder Sohto at the BLR Sanctuary. The Turkey pilot aims to coordinate multiple regenerative efforts and create a verifiable impact record for on-ground work. The pilot will commence in the first half of 2024.
Future Plans
🚀Aim to onboard another 2000+ changemakers onto the citizen app in the next three months. 🚀Launch Bountyverse and prepare for GreenPill Festival 2.0. 🚀Launch an upgraded version of the Citizen app with Squads, Projects, and Impact Certificates.
Read more:
🌱About Citizen App 🌱Our Past Highlights 🌱Some Easter Bunny for those who read till the end.
Atlantis History
accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 245 people contributed $1,537 to the project, and $23,850 of match funding was provided.
applied to the Web3 Social 1 year ago which was rejected
accepted into Climate Solutions Round 1 year ago. 272 people contributed $1,665 to the project, and $4,782 of match funding was provided.