Eppie: Web3 native email

$943.54 crowdfunded from 669 people

$1,532.05 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
A decentralized, encrypted, peer-to-peer email service offering autonomy and data ownership through cryptography, compatible with existing email and Ethereum addresses, while also allowing data migration from conventional emails.

The Big Picture πŸ¦„

Our mission is to take private data away from the servers of the Big Tech and allow Internet users to be independent owners of their identities. We believe that decentralized trustless Web is ready to become The Web, not just a geek's toy for crypto investments. But first, it needs some more every-day utility. Like an email.

Here Comes Eppie πŸŽ‰

Eppie is like Crypto, but it's email.

  • Open protocol
  • Peer-to-peer
  • Encrypted

The combination of decentralized architecture and asymmetric cryptography makes it a providerless Email. The network is fully autonomous, with only users and no servers β€” meaning no authority to make any decisions for users. Authentication and authorization are local. Identity and data ownership are based purely on asymmetric cryptography and P2P interaction.

It is simple, beautiful, easy to set up and use: accept your seed phrase and you are all set. It is compatible with other DID standards and can send messages within Eppie’s own network or directly to any crypto wallet.

The client application is also compatible with SMTP/IMAP protocols, so you can connect a Web2 email service and, if you decide so, move the data to the decentralized network.

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Fun fact πŸ‘€

Eppie can use conventional email as a name service: so you send a message to Gmail address, but it never lands on the server and goes straight to the decentralized network.

The Team πŸ€“ 😾 πŸ₯³

We are 10 nerds with a passion for decentralized web. Our company is based in Estonia β€” it is one of the best countries in Europe for Web3 project development in terms of legislation. We have been building multi-platform applications for more than 10 years. Our previously released products have 20 million downloads worldwide. Among other things, our programmers are involved in development of Beam β€” confidential cryptocurrency and DeFi platform.


Why You Need Another Email? πŸ“¬

Your mailbox probably stores all sorts of important information β€” on your business and social activity, financial state, health, consumer behavior etc. You might even be using it as an identity provider to log into some crypto exchange and dozens of other services. Email is the core of your digital identity.

Yet, of 4+ billion email accounts in the world, about 0 belong to users. You log in β€” the server decides whether to allow you to use your identity or not. This is a privacy violation by design. Identity naturally belongs to human, it should not be a service.

  • Own your messages at all times With a decentralized network you never have to trust a server to deliver your message. You create it, you own it.

  • Exchange messages with Gmail and Ethereum network Eppie is compatible with conventional email and Ethereum addresses at launch, with many more to come. Switch to Web3 β€” stay connected to everyone.

  • Don’t manage keys, manage contacts In Eppie identity management finally makes sense: create an identity card, choose people to share it with β€” so they can message you, not your hash.

  • Move your old mailbox to Web3 Any mailbox including Gmail. Emails and contacts. Make your data truly private by moving it to a decentralized network.

How Does It Work? βš™οΈ

Eppie has no servers. It works through a peer-to-peer network, where every devise shares the responsibility in message delivery. The application encrypts the data, breaks it to pieces and stores them on random nodes of the network β€” the other client machines. The address is also a public key. Only the user can retrieve the data using their matching private key. No one else has access to it, including us, the developers.

And no one has the authority to allow or disallow a user into their account. The decision is made on your machine, locally. Whoever owns the key, owns the mailbox.

Demo πŸ“Ί


Project Update πŸ—

Since the last Round we conducted another round of customer interviews and worked on the UX to prepare Eppie for the upcoming Soft Lunch later this year.

We kept working on a major feature β€” ProtonMail integration: Eppie is the first native desktop client capable of authenticating at ProtonMail, the largest title on privacy-first conventional email market.

Also, we're adding Linux support.

ProtonMail Integration πŸ”


How We Use The Money? πŸ’°

  • Complete core product development for Public Beta
  • Complete UX/UI design
  • Conduct independent security audit

Roadmap πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“

Open Beta

  • Windows app βœ…
  • Linux & macOS app πŸ—
  • Decentralized account creation βœ…
  • Decentralized messaging πŸ—
  • Decentralized backup support πŸ—
  • E2E encryption βœ…
  • Traditional email support βœ…


  • Android & iOS
  • Open source the protocol
  • Web3 name services support
  • Sending emails to Bitcoin and NFT addresses
  • Attachments of any size
  • Custom domains

Join us 🀝

We admire Open-Source movement for its altruism and creativity. Its philosophy resonates with our own and that of our project. But admiration aside, transparency is one of the keys to global success of the project. It is crucial for a trust-less decentralized solution, such as Eppie, to be available for anyone to verify. This is why Eppie protocol, and the application source code will be fully available on our GitHub. We’re conducting a public security audit shortly before launch and we welcome anyone to contribute or criticize.

Subscribe for the Early Access at our website.

Stay tuned to news and development progress on GitHub and Twitter

Eppie: Web3 native email History

  • accepted into Web3 Social 10 months ago. 254 people contributed $257 to the project, and $594 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 44 people contributed $157 to the project, and $775 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 371 people contributed $530 to the project, and $162 of match funding was provided.

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