Esteroids - a community .eth websites search engine

$122.39 crowdfunded from 12 people

$1,047.47 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A community search engine launched in April 2021 to aggregate, explore, and showcase .eth websites, considered essential for the future of the Ethereum ecosystem.

Esteroids (esteroids.eth) is a community search engine for .eth websites!

While the .eth web previously offered a variety of innovative .eth websites, it lacked the tools to collect, explore and showcase these websites to the community.

We, therefore, launched esteroids.eth in April 2021 in order to give .eth websites a dedicated search engine.

We see the .eth web as a fundamental piece of future Ethereum, and a community search engine as a fundamental infrastructure for this web.

Esteroids - a community .eth websites search engine History

  • accepted into ENS Ecosystem 1 year ago. 12 people contributed $122 to the project, and $1,047 of match funding was provided.

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