$12,570.58 crowdfunded from 7132 people
$20,676.21 received from matching pools
eth.limo is a privacy-preserving ENS gateway, enabling users to access Ethereum-native dApps and content. LIMO represents a shift in dweb adoption by providing an alternative means of accessing ENS resolvable domains.
☑️ eth.limo supports every ENS compatible storage layer! Users can utilize IPFS, Arweave and Swarm contenthashes.
☑️ CCIP-Read for L2 and off-chain lookups are also supported!
☑️Emoji and unicode domains supported! 😂😂😂.eth.limo
☑️Our new proxy supports fallback record checking. No content hash defined? No problem! Anyone with an @ensdomains can simply amend .limo in their browser to resolve a personalized Nimi profile. This pulls your ENS avatar, text records and even displays poaps! Users with an ENS name can effortlessly obtain a social landing page with no technical knowledge required. Give it a try!
☑️ Limo now supports on-demand @ensdomains subdomain certificates! What does this mean? You can now automatically issue a certificate for ENS subdomains without requesting one from us! How does this work? Once you submit an HTTP request for your name (i.e. app.myname.eth. limo), we'll attempt to issue the certificate in the background. Usually this process takes 1-2m and during that time you might need to keep refreshing the page in your browser. Once the certificate has been issued you'll be able to visit your subdomain on eth.limo.
☑️DNS over HTTPS (DoH) Resolver DNS over HTTPS (DoH) resolver. We now offer an easy to use DNS resolver for ENS domains. The DoH resolver can be integrated with applications for native ENS resolution, or even your browser! We feature both JSON and DNS wire format responses with DNSLink support. This means you can configure your local IPFS client to resolve ENS domains directly from us with the following command:
ipfs config --json DNS.Resolvers '{"eth.": "https://dns.eth.limo/dns-query"}'
For example if you then requested vitalik.eth, a DNS query would be constructed (https://dns.eth.limo/dns-query?name=vitalik.eth&type=TXT) which would return:
dnslink=/ipfs/QmQhCuJqSk9fF58wU58oiaJ1qbZwQ1eQ8mVzNWe7tgLNiD/ Which would instruct your IPFS client to retrieve the CID above. Consult our documentation for implementation details. Documentation
☑️ Chauffeur - Run a local infrastructure stack for resolving ENS domains. https://github.com/ethlimo/chauffeur
☑️HTTP Object Caching - Improving content retrieval times is always a priority for the eth.limo team. After several weeks of careful testing we have fully implemented static content object caching, globally for all eth.limo resolved names. This means that we will cache content retrieved from IPFS and save it for later retrieval. The result being much faster page load times for all static content.
☑️Base32 and Base36 Encoding for IPFS/IPNS - We have updated both the eth.limo gateway and our DNS over HTTPS service to explicitly use Base32 encoding for IPFS CIDs and Base36 for IPNS peer IDs.
☑️LIMO takes public gateway services a step further by enforcing strong privacy guarantees such as never logging IP addresses or engaging in TCP fingerprinting. Limo now actively blocks FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts). This is a Google developed algorithm that tracks and correlates users based on their browsing history. FLoC enables advanced fingerprinting capabilities and greatly undermines online privacy and anonymity.
🛠We’re excited to announce that we have begun work on limo-web3-dns, an experimental domain specific implementation of the DNS protocol for direct resolution of ENS records.
The limo-web3-dns nameserver will extend traditional DNS functionality to on-chain ENS domain records, allowing native and seamless resolution via most network capable clients. The ultimate goal of limo-web3-dns is to provide trustless, auditable, and cryptographically signed ENS over DNS to bring ENS to parity with DNS.
More information can be found here - https://ethlimo.substack.com/p/8fd72f82-509c-4a0e-9d40-e7dc41a368a0
⚫️ Road Map LIMO has an ambitious road-map, aimed at bolstering accessibility and facilitating developer experience with a suite of modern deployment tools.
🔵Hotcaching - Caching is a big component of the eth.limo architecture and we are always looking for ways to improve it. In its current form, our caching layer will store ENS domain & contenthash pair mappings with a 15m TTL. This is obviously less than desirable as newly deployed content will not be visible to users immediately. In order to alleviate this limitation, we have been working on a “hotcache” solution that will dynamically update our ENS mapping cache in real-time as records are updated on-chain. Initial support will be limited to names using the ENS public resolver. Record updates will be synchronized as they happen, making updated content available in a timely fashion.
🔵Reverse Lookups - Ever wondered if a particular IPFS CID is associated with an ENS name? Immediately following deployment of the Hotcache, we will begin working on a reverse lookup API for ENS domains. This means that you can search for ENS names based on the IPFS CID or contenthash.
🔵Research on HTTP Header Standards for ENS dWebsites. HTTP headers are tricky to get right, even more so in decentralized environments. Certain browser features (like SharedArrayBuffer) can only be used in a “Same-Origin” context, which requires the use of certain server side headers to be returned to the client. With this in mind, we are investigating the best way for users to define their own header and value pairs at the ENS record level. This would be a new standard for ENS HTTP gateways and permit users to fully leverage all available browser features irrespective of how the content is accessed (i.e. gateway or web3 native browsers).
🔵Privacy first traffic analysis and reporting - view how many requests your ENS dwebsite has received
🔵Deployment tooling - Choose which versions of content you want to serve prior to going “all in” on an IPFS release. Quickly roll back or fail-over in the event of a bug or vulnerability.
🔵Privacy friendly RPC services - Take advantage of eth.limo’s privacy policy and deployment tooling for pure RPC requests.
🔵Testnet support - Experiment with ENS domains on Ethereum test networks.
🔵Improved SEO experience.
🔵 Solving the “LIMO dilemma” — providing integrity and verification checks for dweb content transiting public gateway services to ensure that malicious gateway operators are unable to MITM (man in the middle) user sessions.
🌎 Decentralizing the LIMO infrastructure through a community run CDN.
Why do we need ETH.LIMO?
✔️Core internet infrastructure is becoming increasingly centralized and as such, several existential threats have emerged that undermine the principles of an decentralized, open and free internet:
✔️Lack of non-commercial infrastructure
✔️Opacity of terms of service agreements and moderation policies
✔️Proliferation of proprietary browser extensions which require centralized services
✔️The erosion of the “commons” and “public space”
✔️Web 3.0 adoption is still nascent
✔️Most browsers cannot natively access ENS/IPFS
For end users, this means a limited selection of poor quality services that increasingly resemble a cable TV package. Accessing the dWeb can be a frustrating experience. For dApp developers, this leads to a limited selection of platforms and services in addition to lost revenue.
The LIMO project brings additional resiliency to dApps by providing an alternative means of access as a public good. As the decentralized web continues to grow, it is imperative that community projects facilitate the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.
The LIMO project is organized around the following founding principles:
Operate ETH.LIMO as a public good.
Establish community governance and oversight.
a. Provide support and technical guidance for builders and users.
Work towards building a truly decentralized ENS/IPFS gateway service and global CDN.
Build a world-class developer platform for dweb sites, including integrated analytics reporting and traffic management deployment tooling for commonly used web2 patterns such as A/B testing, canary and blue/green deployments.
A commitment to open source software and the advancement of web3 through education, best practices, evangelism, and public accessibility.
eth.limo History
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago.
accepted into Ethereum Infrastructure 1 year ago. 3389 people contributed $5,935 to the project, and $12,143 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Ethereum Core Infrastructure, Research, and Development 1 year ago. 2705 people contributed $1,494 to the project, and $6,634 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 905 people contributed $1,519 to the project, and $900 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 133 people contributed $400 to the project, and $1,000 of match funding was provided.