ETH Daily Podcast

$68.60 crowdfunded from 8 people

$350.39 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
ETH Daily is a daily Ethereum-focused podcast seeking funding to continue producing content and support the web3 ecosystem, with a listener base of around 1,000.

About Us

ETH Daily is a daily podcast covering the latest in Ethereum. There is so much going on that it's impossible to catch up! Our goal is to update you on the latest core Ethereum projects, network upgrades, security incidents, and scaling improvements. We also have a newsletter!

Why Fund Us

We aim to support the broader Ethereum and web3 ecosystem. We’ve grown organically over the past 9 months and have built a crypto-native audience of roughly 1,000 listeners. This grant will help us continue the production of our daily briefing. As we continue to grow, we help spread awareness about new projects and important updates.

Grant Use

This grant will help us continue the production of ETH Daily. We’ve absorbed the initial costs of running the podcast (hosting, software, hardware) over the last 9 months. We are extremely thankful for our early Gitcoin supporters, which helped us register our ENS domain! We are still exploring ways to be self-sustaining and prefer to stay a public good.


ETH Daily Podcast History

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