ETH Venezuela Community Projects

$702.43 crowdfunded from 317 people

$9,905.96 received from matching pools

average score over 4 application evaluations
Venezuela-based initiative promoting Ethereum through education, community events, and innovation hubs, aiming to onboard Venezuelans into the cryptocurrency ecosystem and strengthen web3 development.

Ethereum Venezuela Community Projects

We are turning our Community into a center of innovation and opportunities for Venezuelans and crypto-friends from all over Latin America. 🌱



The Ethereum Venezuela Community is a passionate collective that drives the adoption of Ethereum in the country through education, events, and collaboration, Our goal is to drive the crypto ecosystem in the country and build an innovation ecosystem that gives way to the creation of community hubs for the promotion of community micro-entrepreneurship and community projects focused on real solutions and web3 case studies for each participating location.



Telegram : 296 members Twitter: 467 followers Instagram: 170 followers

What: We aim to hold events that boost the onboarding of Venezuelans to the crypto ecosystem, taking a special emphasis on those who are starting their way; offering the necessary tools for Web3 and Ethereum to have a real utility adapted to their contexts.

On the other hand, we want to focus on the number of builders and developers in the country, with activities such as courses, hackhatons or bootcamps, where dozens of participants will learn from the basics to specialized topics such as solidity.

Where: Inside and outside Venezuela. During DEVCON VI we had the opportunity to meet hundreds of Venezuelans who make a living in the technology industry who want to be an active part of the Ethereum Venezuela community.

When: This community project aims to have a duration of one year.

How: We have defined 3 areas of action: Online community building and creation of educational materials. Face-to-face learning sessions and web3 onboarding to vulnerable communities. Promotion and education around the Ethereum ecosystem for technical profiles (developers and related).

Why: During DEVCON VI we noticed that there is a need to take the Ethereum community beyond the capital region, currently there are many people around the country that thanks to digital media have access to this information and with the necessary support could build the future of web3 for Venezuela and the region.

Our goal is to directly impact the lives of 500 people over a year of activities, however, the indirect impact this could bring to our community is incalculable. We hope to hold workshops, community gatherings, hackhatons and bootcamps.

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Cryptocuriosas community in the launch and distribution of the 'Crypto Creatives' Coloring Book project in Venezuela, which provides an educational approach to early childhood crypto and blockchain education. We expect it to directly impact the education of the children of people in the crypto ecosystem, with the potential for scalability for community education.

We also hope to have the opportunity to provide scholarships for key team members to participate in events such as ETH Latam and Devconnect, as well as other major ecosystem events. By promoting your participation in these events, we provide a way to recognize your value and effort for the growth of our community, and the visibility of Venezuelan talent in events with global reach.

Your contribution will not only have a lasting impact by empowering this new generation of ecosystem leaders but will also foster a more inclusive and vibrant web3 community.


How do we measure the impact of our events and projects? Number of participants of face-to-face events Number of participants of virtual events Number of workshops and classes given Number of POAPs claimed Number of face-to-face events held Number of people onboarded Number of new wallets created in onboarding activities General community metrics (RRSS)

What happens if we don't reach the 15,500 USD target? We will not stop there, we will continue to work with the human resources we currently have and participate in other fundraising rounds in the future.

How can we reach this goal? The best way is with your help! To support us you don't need to donate a large amount of money, with just $5 you are already contributing enormously to our goal.

You would help us a lot with a donation and by sharing this campaign with your friends!

What are the topics to be covered in the learning sessions? We aim to make the sessions as complementary as possible, in order to cover a wide range of topics for our community.


How do you see the ETH Venezuela community at the end of this year? We want to aspire to have a community of around 3000 active people in all our networks and 500 direct beneficiaries.

What are the objectives of the face-to-face sessions? While we want to involve as many people as possible, we believe that having the opportunity to hold face-to-face sessions and meetings for our community allows us to foster relationships and boost the ecosystem through building relationships of trust and networking in real life.

What are the objectives of ETH Venezuela? Our goal is to boost the crypto ecosystem in the country and build an innovation ecosystem that gives way to the creation of community hubs for the promotion of community micro-entrepreneurship and community projects focused on real solutions and web3 case studies for each participating location.

Which are the states to visit in Venezuela? Our main objective is to visit all the states of the country, but although Venezuela is not a very large country, it can be a somewhat complicated task. For now: Carabobo Miranda Aragua Vargas Anzoátegui Mérida Maracaibo Barquisimeto

What other communities or relevant projects of the ecosystem have we interacted with? We have had the opportunity to organize events with different projects in the region either promoting their projects in our community (DADA, DappNode, Starknet in Spanish, Cryptoversidad, among others), participating as guest speakers (ETH Latam) or organizing community education initiatives together (Cryptoversidad, Web3beach, Criptocuriosas and Proof of Integrity).

We expect to be announcing several educational initiatives for our community along with our allies from Cryptoversidad, Cryptoconexión, and ETH Kipu in the upcoming weeks.

Who are the team members behind Ethereum Venezuela?

Mercedes Rodriguez - Co-Lead / Community Builder Jose Jimenez - Co-Lead / Ops Gabriela Prieto - MKT Lead Yadnielis Guzmán - Comms Lead Jose Lamus - Community and Education Lead Jose Piña -Tech Lead Susana Gonzalez - PR Leo Jimenez - Frontend and web design Jesus Lucena - Community Manager Carla Martinez - Content Creator Sandra Carrillo - Content Creator Daniel Knobelsdorf and Guillermo Goncalvez - Co-founders and Advisors

Where can I find more information about Ethereum Venezuela community initiatives and previous experiences?

What do we do if we receive more than we ask for? If we receive more funding than expected, we will increase the number of grants to be awarded, we will do more activities, and we will certainly strive to directly impact the lives of more people.

ETH Venezuela Community Projects History

  • accepted into 1inch LatAm 7 months ago. 139 people contributed $187 to the project, and $5,758 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Meta Pool LatAm GG18 10 months ago. 74 people contributed $168 to the project, and $2,106 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 82 people contributed $138 to the project, and $678 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 22 people contributed $209 to the project, and $1,364 of match funding was provided.

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