ETHChile: An emerging and growing community

$51.55 crowdfunded from 42 people

$192.03 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Chilean Ethereum enthusiasts launched Eth Santiago to educate and grow the local web3 community, hosting events, meetups, and hackathons with sponsor support and future plans to expand nationwide.

Tagline Ethereum community looking to gather and educate the Chilean crowd into ethereum and web3 ecosystem.


Beginings Born the year 2022 after a few crypto enthusiasts and blockchain proffesionals from Chile went to Ethereum Denver and Ethereum Rio de Janeiro. We wanted to form something alike within our country. We were able could connect with ethereum foundation and stayed in contact for further development.

Development From march to september of 2022 we formed a team and, in coordination with Ethereum Foundation, we proposed a date for an event to take place in Chile's Capital City, (the first of many we hope), and Eth Santiago was formed.

Execution The first event was done on September 23rd and 24th 2022 in the "Corpartes" theater within the Las Condes County, Santiago de Chile. Rather than describe with words, the whole vent was recorder and streamed live available here:

Youtube link

For a quick recap here are some pictures:

Agenda of speakers:

Sponsors & media partners

With our networks we were able to have 7 different sponsors that allowed us to fund the event. According to our metrics the percentage during the event of people who became users of sponsor was about 30%. Our sponsors were:

  • Metaclub
  • Worldcoin
  • Polygon Studios
  • Welook
  • Colledge
  • celo
  • Ethereum Foundation

Opening hosts

Some of the speakers and panels:

Some of the conferences :

The people networking and having fun!

The team Closing the first day of the event

POAP for the assitants and also for the speakers

Other features

  • Telegram group of more than 350 captcha-verified users.
  • 559 registered participants in WELCU ticketing system from EthSantiago Event
  • Multisig on mainnet fot eh core team
  • Participation in ETHLatam circles
  • Website
  • Beacon Linktree

Future vision

The community decided to grow its vision and change from EthSantiago to EthChile so we can foster further events and grow.

Market perspective

Problem being solved

There is lacking a coordinating force to enhance and grow the ethereum and web3 ecosystem within Chile. In the case of Chile, 66% of the people surveyed have zero knowledge about digital currencies and their environment according to studies of 2022 from

What will we do with the funds?

With the funds raise we want to do finance tools to grow and gather the community within the country to collaborate and learn about this new tehcnology.

Some of the activities will be:

  • Regular meetups
  • Sporadic conferences
  • Big events on each major city within Chile
  • Metaverse Parties
  • Hackathons
  • Bootcamps
  • Courses
  • Ecosystem Parties
  • Among others

Some of the funds will serve to have at least one full time organizer fostering the activities.

Dream Team

We hold a multisignature wallet to make desition in a decentralized manner using snapshot.

The team closing the EthSantiago 2022 event

Cristobal Pereira @crispereira.eth: Crypto & Blockchain entrepreneur since 2015. Building Colledge y Blockchain Summit Latam. Instructor in Blockchain & crypto training programs.

Andrés Junge: Crypto OG. Bitcoin & Ethereum First adopter and old school developer. Blockchain Technology Evangelist. Ex @ConsenSys. @uport_me Co-founder. Co-Fundador de @yaykuy. @notabene_id Co-Founder and CTO.

Patricio Lopez: Blockchain Architect, 5+ years programming and teaching about Ethereum ecosystem. Passionate about discovering how crypto technologies can build a better world.

Patricio Lopez Juri: Tech entrepreneur, I have been building software for humans since 18 years old.

Ignacio Puga @idpuga.eth: Hydraulic engineer, entrepreneur, Co-founder of Endangered Tokens regenerative finance project. Participated in EthDenver & Eth Rio 2022 as attendant and in EthSantiago as Speaker.

Natalia Miranda @Naticchain.eth: Crypto Enthusiast. Have been participating in Ethereum Latam ecosystem since 2019. Currently at @POKTnetwork.

Diego Ibieta: industrial engineer, entrepreneur, Co-founder of Cryptea and Criptotienda, Participated in EthSantiago as local productor with focus in logistic.

Natedev.eth: Web developer and web3 builder. Experience with decentralized governance, finance and currently working on social platforms. Actively involved in the latam ethereum community.

Updates from last round

-We set a date in april 2024 for the EthChile Official Event to be held in Santiago City -We partnered up with Glovox, a big events producers to be able to focus on the blockhain relationships, speakers, sponsors and experience for the attendants while leaving Glovox the production of the event. -We have held two meetups with people from Chile interested in the technology -We planning to do an online hackathon at the end of the year during november

ETHChile: An emerging and growing community History

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