Ethereum Dispute Resolution Ecosystem Mapping Initiative

$81.04 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Researching and mapping Ethereum dispute resolution platforms to understand their mechanisms and effectiveness, aiming to enhance fairness and efficiency in the decentralized ecosystem. Led by specialists in governance and DAOs.

The motivation behind this research initiative stems from the need to address the challenges and complexities associated with dispute resolution within the Ethereum ecosystem. As the decentralized space continues to grow, the increasing prevalence of smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) has led to a rising demand for effective and transparent dispute resolution mechanisms.

The primary objective of this research is to provide a clear and detailed understanding of the various dispute resolution platforms operating on Ethereum. The initiative will investigate the mechanisms employed by these platforms, assessing their strengths, weaknesses, and unique features. This research will extend from decentralized on-chain arbitration systems to more traditional off-chain models, encompassing a broader spectrum of dispute resolution strategies in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Anticipated Outcome:

We aim to produce a comprehensive map that highlights the diversity and functionality of Ethereum dispute resolution platforms. This map will serve as a valuable resource for developers, stakeholders, and the broader Ethereum community, providing insights into the array of options available for addressing disputes within the decentralized ecosystem. The goal is to enhance understanding of the tools available to ensure fairness, justice, and efficiency in the decentralized space.


To achieve these objectives, the research initiative will employ a multi-faceted approach:

Comprehensive Review: Conduct an exhaustive review of existing literature, whitepapers, and documentation related to dispute resolution platforms on Ethereum.

Platform Analysis: Evaluate the mechanisms, strengths, weaknesses, and unique features of diverse dispute resolution platforms, covering both on-chain and off-chain models.

Case Studies: Examine real-world case studies and examples of dispute resolution instances within the Ethereum ecosystem to gain practical insights.

Stakeholder Interviews: Engage with developers, users, and stakeholders involved in Ethereum dispute resolution platforms to gather firsthand experiences and perspectives.

Data Compilation: Systematically compile and categorize the gathered information to create a comprehensive map detailing the different dispute resolution platforms.

Report Generation: Summarize the findings in a detailed report, highlighting key patterns, trends, and recommendations for developers, stakeholders, and the Ethereum community.

About Us: Led by Jamilya Kamalova, a researcher and a PhD Candidate specializing in governance issues and dispute resolution in the web3 (LinkedIn:, our research initiative is supported by Alexandre Perez, who specializes in DAO governance (LinkedIn:

Jamilya's most recent publications:

  • Kamalova, Jamilya, Exploring Blockchain-Based Alternative Dispute Resolution: Limitations of Traditional Methods and Prospects for Further Research. (2023). Harvard Negotiation Law Review (Forthcoming).
  • Ast, Federico and George, William and Kamalova, Jamilya and Sharma, Abeer and Aouidef, Yann, Decentralized Justice: State of the Art, Recurring Criticisms and Next Generation Research Topics ( (April 10, 2023).
  • Merk, Tara and Cossar, Sofia and Kamalova, Jamilya, Ethnographic Research of Proof of Humanity DAO (Investigación Etnográfica de Proof of Humanity DAO). (January 24, 2023). Available at SSRN: or

Both team members are associated with, a pioneering on-chain dispute resolution provider.

Ethereum Dispute Resolution Ecosystem Mapping Initiative History

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