Ethereum Event Gardeners (EEG)

$102.03 crowdfunded from 81 people

$297.55 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Ethereum events collective focused on promoting diversity, inclusivity, and neutrality. Goals include archiving event info, culture improvement, support for organizers, and innovating funding models for a non-profit hackathon.

Collective of event organizers and other individuals who recognize the importance of "credible-neutral" community events as one of the key pillars of the Ethereum community.

By promoting the principles of diversity, inclusivity and open participation, or by creating new ways of neutral funding, EEG seeks to strengthen the community infrastructure that underpins Ethereum's innovative ecosystem. At the same time, it seeks to be a counterbalancing element to growing commercialism or cronyism in our industry.

Our goals

  • Collect, archive and publish information about events
  • Improving the culture of events, with an emphasis on core values
  • Support organizers and provide valuable feedback
  • Creating open-source tools and guides for organisers
  • Researching new innovative approaches
  • Coordinate with other ethereum groups

Current state

The initiative was founded in April 2023 and is now in the pre-genesis phase, when the foundations of our community are being formed and the first projects and debates are starting.

Who we are

We currently have on board the organizers behind events such as Devcon, Devconnect, ETHBerlin (Protocol Berg), EthereumSP, ETHBarcelona, ETHSamba, ETHSeoul, ETHRome, ETHDam, ETHPrague, ETHBrno and more.

How will the money be used?

The money raised during GR19 will be used for our early development and mainly to organize a week-long donation-backed non-profit hackathon ETHBohemia in February/March 2024, which will be dedicated purely to our topics.


  • Forum:
  • Documentation:
  • Twitter:
  • GitHub:

Ethereum Event Gardeners (EEG) History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 81 people contributed $102 to the project, and $298 of match funding was provided.

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